
2012年7月30日 星期一

How to Enjoy Stress Free Relationships

Until you have released the need for judgment, you will

always have it reflected back to you in your relationships.

This is one of the main causes of stress.

All too often we assume that we know what others mean

by what they say or do without bothering to gain a clear

understanding of what's really going on. This inevitably

leads to a breakdown in communication and conflict.

The biggest secret to stress free relationships is to master

the skill of being agreeable!

If you think about it just for a moment this makes a lot of

sense. How did you feel the last time someone disagreed with

what you though, said or did? Did you thank them, give them

a big hug and then ask for more disapproval? Probably not!

The bottom line is that people don't like being disagreed

with. This is what leads to arguments and conflict.

You have a choice every time you relate with another person.

You can either be agreeable in nature and in communication

or you can be disagreeable.

The first choice will cause people to be more relaxed and

enjoy your company. The second creates stress and frustration.

It costs nothing to agree with someone else's point of view

even if you think it's ridiculous. Who are we to judge how

another person views their life and the world around them.

Conflict always arises from disagreement's which then leads

to power struggles.

This means that either one or all parties are trying to prove

that they are right and someone else is wrong. This is a no win

scenario because if one person is made wrong, then the outcome

is tension and resentment.

So what do you do if you disagree with what someone is

saying? Ask if it's ok to share your opinion. If the answer

is no, then to keep your relationships stress free keep your

mouth zipped tight. Changes topics if you need to or go do

something fun together but let it go and move on.

The next secret to stress free relationships is to master

the skill of understanding.

The key here is to learn to be a good listener. Can you

remember a time recently when you were talking with someone

and they either interrupted you before you finished talking

and started talking about themselves or completely ignored

what you said and talked about something totally unrelated?

I know that's happened to me thousands of times. Well guess

what, if you didn't like it I can guarantee you that others

won't like it if you do it to them.

By listening attentively to what others say and not

interrupting you will prevent the possibility of causing

stress and tension in your relationships because the people

you are communicating with will feel seen and heard.

This builds trust and respect which are two of the most important

ingredients of a happy, healthy and productive relationship.

Here are 4 keys to master the skill of understanding...

1. Don't interrupt unless you have something urgent to

attend to. Then excuse yourself politely and make a time to

meet with them that you can give your undivided attention.

2. Look them in the eye and keep your body language open

3. Only ask questions that are relevant to the topic. This

lets the person who is talking know that you are really

listening to them.

4. Never assume you know what someone means, always ask for

clarity before sharing you're opinion. Don't be afraid to

keep asking questions until you are 100% sure about what is

being said.

The only time to try and get others to understand you is

after you have understood them. Then they are more receptive

to what you have to say. This skill is one of the most

important in building good bonds between people that are

stress free. There is nothing more powerful than letting

others know that they matter.

Happy, healthy and stress free relationships are no

accident. They are skillfully developed over time by people

who care about people. These secrets will only work if you

apply them.

The more you apply them, the less stress you'll have in relationships.

I know this for a fact because they have been working for me for

more than 15 years.

To Your Great Life and Health

Michael Atma

Michael Atma is an internationally known author, speaker & success coach. Known as the person to talk to when you're ready to enjoy massive results, Michael offers simple yet proven strategies to improve the quality of your life in just minutes. Michael's writing comes straight from the front line of good health and successful living

Exactly how are some people learning to take charge of their life in just minutes? Michael Atma has created the ultimate guide - '101 Strategies for a Stress Free Life!' FREE Details: http://www.theultimaterelaxation.com Get Michael's popular bi-monthly ezine for Great Life and Health Tips at: http://www.greatlifeandhealth.com/newsletter/index.html

