
2012年7月16日 星期一

Marriage - 3 Things That Can Dramatically Improve Your Health and Your Marriage

In life and marriage you have two-choices: Health and happiness; or Illness and unhappiness. It's a sad fact; but most people are unhappy in life - and in marriage. But if this is a choice, why would people choose to be unhappy? And what can be done to to improve our marriage and our health?

Of course, people don't make this choice consciously; they allow habitual thinking to turn into habitual behaviors, and they fall into unfulfilling routines - or "ruts." Unhappiness is an unconscious choice we make when our habits, favorites, or judgments are challenged by our reality - or by our experience of reality, anyway.

There are three very similar skills you can cultivate to help yourself be happier while becoming a better and better marriage partner: Flexibility; Willingness; and Sacrifice. Concentrate on developing these three essential relationship skills; though it may be difficult, at first, to resist your automatic (programmed) behaviors or habits.

1. Flexibility

2. Willingness

3. Sacrifice

1.) Flexibility: Having a flexible mind leads to having a flexible body - and your life will flow more dynamically, as well. Being flexible means being open to changes and new possibilities; you don't always have to do the same things in the same ways. And, you don't always have to be perfect. You can be flexible; or you can be rigid. The choice is yours; but it is much healthier to be flexible than rigid.

2.) Willingness: Willingness, like flexibility, requires openness to new things; but willingness adds a degree of positivity and agreeability - both are critical ingredients in a happy relationship. Willingness requires a certain lack of attachment - to your own agenda, favorites, expectations, and judgments. Willingness also requires a spirit of generosity, as you are investing your energy in something new - oftentimes, even someone else's idea.

3.) Sacrifice: Sacrifice essentially means "giving for the grander cause." Sacrifice isn't necessarily the same as "martyrdom." Sacrifice, in this context, simply means that you learn to give so that others can have. Say, "Yes!" as often as possible; and you will hear, "Yes!" more and more in response. Give your partner the last bite, or the last piece of something wonderful. Cancel your own plans once in a while to facilitate others. It is said that the best thing you can do with a human life is to give it away. In marriage, or any relationship, giving freely of your self is an important key to success.

Of course, there's much more to marriage than anyone could imagine when they get married. Marriage is a full-time job; and, if both people aren't working on it, then they need to be asking themselves why they are in the relationship in the first place. Chances are it isn't for the same reason they got into it.

But, regardless of your reasons for being in, or staying in, a relationship, you'll benefit in many ways from becoming more flexible, willing, and giving. Working on any one of these areas, or skills, will dramatically improve your life; mastering them all will give you access to a power far greater than most people will ever know. But, more importantly, simply taking the time to think of these things before you act will immediately improve every part of your life, health, and relationship.

Pete Koerner is the author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. The Belief Formula is a look at how you can use ancient wisdom and modern scientific awareness to learn how to use your mind to reclaim your health and create the life of your dreams.

For a Free Report on Making The Belief Formula Work for You, visit: http://www.TheBeliefFormula.com

*To download your FREE, Illustrated Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Manual, go to: http://www.ExploreExpandEvolve.com/free_download/ (It only takes about 10-seconds to get your Free EFT manual and start erasing fears, painful memories, and limiting beliefs that could be limiting your happiness and expression!)

