
2012年8月30日 星期四

Avoiding the Toxic Relationship - 2 Steps to Success, Part 1

Most people have the desire for a happy, fulfilling relationship where both parties are mutually respectful, loving, and caring. When both partners have emotional balance and a level of commitment and effort, this result is certainly possible. However, there are instances in which one or both individuals brings personal issues into the relationship that cause hurt and destruction within the partnership. Whether it is addiction, abusive tendencies, unfaithfulness, or other damaging behaviors, the result can be a toxic situation for the other partner. Here are the first 2 of 4 steps for avoiding such a toxic relationship, whether you are just getting out of such a relationship, or seeking to avoid the potential for one in the future:

1.       Take care of yourself physically and send yourself the message that you are worthy of the effort and care. Your mental and physical well being are also tied together, so supporting the health of your body will help support a stable mental state. Eat health foods, focusing on unprocessed organic choices wherever possible. Take vitamins and supplements as needed - a naturopath can create a complete supplement plan for you based on your unique health needs. A fish oil and food based multivitamin supplement can benefit many people to start. Start a doctor approved exercise program, ideally centered around cardiovascular exercise. This type of workout encourages the release of endorphins, feel good compounds that elevate mood.    

2.      Surround yourself with people who are supportive, loving, and affirming. This is key because the actions and words of the toxic partner can be like programming, which causes you to assimilate and believe negative messages about yourself. Immersing yourself in more positive and affirming messages from your support system will help you deprogram the false beliefs about yourself and reality.

By the way, what is holding you back from making the best choices to achieve the life you deserve?

For a free copy of my ebook, "Strategies For Escaping Emotional Abuse", click here: http://www.stoptoxicrelationships.com/gifts-strategiesforescapingemotionalabuse.html

Shannon Cook is a personal coach and resource guide who has written a number of informative articles and ebooks on the topic of toxic relationships and "difficult" divorces, including the physical, emotional, practical and relationship components.

