
2012年6月30日 星期六

The Strong Relationship Between Nutrition And Your Dental Health

There is a very strong and direct relationship between nutrition and your dental health. The vitamins and minerals you consume have the ability to strengthen or weaken your teeth and gums. By consuming a well-balanced diet you can experience the benefits of better oral health. A well-balanced diet is one which is rich in fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, meats, dairy products and whole grains. By limiting the amount of processed and sugary foods you consume can also help the health of your teeth and gums.

If you are not getting the required amount of vitamins and minerals in your diet, this can have a very serious effect on your body's ability to fight off infections. Infections such as gingivitis, and periodontitis, a bacterial infection which destroys tissues and bones which support teeth, can be very detrimental to your overall dental well-being. A healthy immune system is required to fight infections and the immune system requires good nutrition be supplied to it in order to work properly.

Calcium is a major mineral which affects the health of your teeth. Calcium is used by the body to build strong teeth and to build strong bones, including the bone which holds your teeth in place. If your diet is lacking in calcium you are much more likely to suffer from tooth loss. An average American diet should include at least 1000 milligrams of calcium each day. You can easily consume enough calcium by eating dairy products and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin C also plays a very important role in the health of your body as well as your teeth and gums. Vitamin C helps to strengthen your body's immune system in addition to being a wonderful antioxidant. The average person should consume approximately 60 milligrams of Vitamin C each day. This is about as much as is found in a single orange. Without adequate Vitamin C in your body you will be much more likely to develop gingivitis. Gingivitis is a mild form of periodontal disease and causes gums to be painful as well as causing bad breath. To get enough Vitamin C in your diet you will need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables or drink their juices.

Drinking lots of water is good for your overall health and for your teeth and gums as well. Drinking water keeps your mouth moist and helps to ward off tooth decay and gum diseases by washing away food and neutralizing plaque. If you choose to drink juices or other drinks which contain sugar, you will want to brush your teeth after consuming them, or at least follow them with water. The acids in juice, as well as the sugars, can cause tooth decay if allowed to sit on teeth too long.

By eating foods high in fiber, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, you can increase the saliva flow in your mouth. This increased saliva will help to neutralize acids and clean teeth of any left behind food particles.

If you are diabetic, or pre-diabetic, it is vitally important to control your blood sugar levels through careful monitoring and medication if necessary. When blood sugar levels go unchecked it increases the risks of periodontal diseases which can lead to overall decreases in your health as periodontal diseases can lead to heart attacks, strokes and other systemic infections as well.

If you are pregnant you will want to watch your nutrition very closely because the nutrition of the mother directly affects the developing teeth of the unborn child. You need to insure you are getting enough calcium for your teeth and for the development of your unborn child's teeth too.

As you can see there is a strong relationship between nutrition and your dental health. By making sure your diet is rich in healthy foods and that you drink enough water each day, you can help to ensure your teeth and gums will be as healthy as possible.

Cavyl Stewart is the author of the FREE report, Discount Dental Plans: "How to Save At Least 50% On Your Dental Bill." Drop by http://www.savewithdentalplans.com for your copy today.

