
2012年10月13日 星期六

Parenting Advice

Finding Parenting Advice is challenging because there are so many sources in which to look. Figuring out who will give the best advice for you to follow is often a tough decision. The decision may be easier if you look at the children you see that behave as you would like your children to behave, because you can ask those parents what they have done that has helped them or that they have found successful. They would have a certain amount of wisdom in raising them or their children would most likely not be the most well behaved. One thing is certain, you need to have good moral values that you need to stick to yourself and begin training your children early on. One of the best teachers of good behavior is being a good role model. If you don't want your children to drink and drive, don't you either. The longer discipline waits the harder it gets. Obviously, one can not discipline a young infant, however by around the age of walking and talking the children understand the meaning of "no" to a certain degree. It requires training.

Some of this training we know, just because we know what our parents did with us. Not all our parents did was unwise, even if we think that. We all had parents that made mistakes and we will certainly make mistakes. This fact should not make us fearful or lazy when taking care of our own children. There are many places to get good parenting advice as I stated earlier. It is a matter of asking and searching. Some of these sources that may be good for helping in the discipline areas are child psychologists, the minister of your church, teachers, and other child professionals.

Your child's health is an important issue. Nutritionists, doctors, and health magazines are good sources for eating properly, and taking care of the rising issue of food allergies that are on the rise today. However, some of the problem with child hood obesity today is most certainly a lack of exercise. Too many children do nothing of exercise outside of school gym class. When home they just sit and play video games or watch television. Minimizing these is always good. There are so many other fun things to do.

It is important to take time to get your children outside and doing other things. Help them find something they will be interested in other than television and video games. Your enthusiasm will help and often times what you enjoy doing is a good place to start. If you are a dad who likes to work out in your shop for instance, get your kids out there with you, (even the girls, statistics show that girls who have good relationships with their fathers grow up with less problems when they are older) it is quality time with your child ,as well as they learn some important things about a trade or at least a work ethic, and they are not just sitting around. They also just might feel better about themselves when they can accomplish something, and good mental health is an important aspect of good physical health. Try many different things, even if your kids seem reluctant because they don't think they will like it or have fun. Many times they will be surprised at how much they like certain things and so will you be. It doesn't always have to cost a lot of money either. There are many non-profit organizations that you can get involved in or that they can get involved in, such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Habitat for humanity, Salvation Army, or your local church. They also usually have good values that you would want your children to learn and would have good parenting advice in many cases on how to discipline your children. One very important thing to remember is that you as a parent need to be involved in your child's life. Expecting others to do your job for you will not work.

Education for our children is also another important aspect of raising our children. Sometimes making the choice of which educational choice is right for your child/family is a tough one. Just because most people you know choose a specific venue, does not mean it is the best for your child/family. Some families have children in several different educational venues. There are several choices, such as public, private, and home school. There are many things in all venues of education that will help your child get a good education. In public and private schools teachers are a good source for helping you know what to do to help your children. It is just a matter of asking for that help and then acting on it.

It does not do any good to ask the teacher what you can do to help and then do nothing after getting the suggestions. Take an active part in your child's education, just as you do in their physical and spiritual aspects of their lives. Knowing what the school is teaching your child should not be a mystery to you. Volunteer to chaperone a field trip, or help out the teacher in class occasionally. Teachers will help you find ways to be involved. Not only will it help your child, but others as well. This brings us to home schooling as a venue. Don't believe all the myths out there about home schooling. Find some people in your community that do it and check it out. It may be what is right for you. There are so many educational helps today for home schooling that it is not as hard as you may think. Two of the most frequent objections heard today about home schooling, besides education are "I couldn't do it because my child doesn't listen to me and we argue too much." It may be surprising to some of these people how much their child would actually begin to listen because that child has their parents attention and care for more than a few minutes each day. I have not heard of too many home schooling parents or children that don't grow closer to one another. The other frequent objection besides education is that there is a lack of social experience, though this may be true for some, (which is only because that family would not be out doing anything outside the home) it is not the norm.

Most home schoolers get involved in homeschool co-ops that get together with other home schoolers each week, and it would be safe to say most have neighbors that they play with. There are even classes that kids can take from other home schooling parents that teach in the co-ops that not only help with the social aspect, but the educational one because these other teachers usually have degrees in these subjects. Homeschooling does not have to mean a lesser education because you don't think you are smart enough or can't remember things you did know once upon a time. It also does not mean your child can not learn from and interact with the outside world. It may also be surprising how much can be accomplished with that unruly, rebellious child, and how much the parent and child may grow closer to one another and be able to work together.

Parenting advice will come in many different forms and there are many aspects to think about such as health, discipline, and education. But if parents study them and go with what seems to fit their family then it is sure to have success parenting. Then in turn one day you as a parent might be giving your own children advise.

Angie Larson gives excellent parenting advice in the areas of health, education, and discipline. To receive advice and tips on being a successful parent visit the parenting advice website.

