It's nice to talk about being sweet to each other and living happily ever after; but it's not always realistic because it's not always that easy. It's easy to get jealous when you see someone else's "prefect relationship;" but don't make the mistake of assuming that their relationship just "magically" happened to them, or that it was always easy for them.
Building a truly great relationship requires attention and energy; and most people need a pretty good reason before they put attention and energy into anything. What's the payoff? Why should I work on my relationship? You benefit in many ways when you improve yourself and your relationships. We all do. But, in case you need specific reasons to put energy and effort into your life, here is a list of five-incentives for investing your time and energy into the improvement of your relationship.
1. Your life is a series of experiences and perceptions that can span many decades. Marriages often last decades. If you are not happily married, and you do nothing to improve it, you are surrendering many happy years of life. You can justify your misery and you will end up looking back on a miserable life; or you can improve things and have a fun life.
2. Stress is blamed for approximately 90% of all trips to the doctor's office. Relationships are one of the biggest sources of stress. If you improve your relationship, you can expect to see dramatic improvements in your health - and you'll probably even lose some weight if you're holding on to unwanted pounds.
3. Happily married people live longer than anybody. Working on your relationship is the same as working on extending your life on earth - and improving the quality of that life on a daily basis.
4. A good marriage is like a good team. A strong partnership can build great things - much greater than what one can build on their own - and a strong union can endure great adversity. By working to improve your relationship and support and encourage your partner, you will be gaining a powerful ally and asset for your journey through life. If you improve your relationship, it will sustain you in the most difficult times.
5. Being married is less expensive than being single; and, if you're going to be married, you might as well enjoy and get the most out of your situation by learning to be happily married. When people are stressed - by their relationship or anything - they often exhibit costly behaviors such as: consuming food, drugs, alcohol, and other consumer goods and services, at a much higher rate than people who are relaxed and happy. Being single is expensive, and being married and stressed and unhappy is expensive; but being happily married is beneficial to you in every conceivable way. Learn to be happy and at peace in your relationship; you almost can't afford not to.
You can improve any area of your life and relationship if you have a reason to do so. For some people, suffering and discomfort are reasons enough to change the way they do business; but others need a good reason, or a clearly and obvious benefit to making any changes at all in life. Consider that, if you are married, your marriage affects every other part of your life; and, by improving it, you will automatically improve every other area of life. So, if you're going to be married anyway, you should seriously consider learning how to do it right; your health, longevity, happiness, success, and prosperity will all improve with each step you take toward enhancing your relationship. Make your own list of reasons - or use these - and get started making tomorrow better than today.
*To download your FREE, Illustrated Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Manual, go to:
It only takes about 10-seconds to get your Free EFT manual and start erasing fears, resentment, stress, anxiety, grief, negative emotions, negative self-talk, phobias, and limiting beliefs that could be holding you back and limiting your life, health, and relationships.
Pete Koerner is the author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. The Belief Formula is a look at how you can use ancient wisdom and modern scientific awareness to learn how to use your mind to reclaim your health and create the life of your dreams.
For a Free Report on Making The Belief Formula Work for You, visit: (This report focuses on improving your health with your thoughts.)