One of the most difficult settings a person has to live and cope with is a relationship. It can be complicated, as many may have experienced. Here and there, online and offline, texts about tips on relationships abound, as if it is a mystery having to be deciphered, or a leap into a void of uncertainty. But is there ever an accurate manual in creating a successful relationship? After all, relationships differ from one to another, just as one person is distinct from the next. Certain rules may apply for some, for others not. As there is no definite or step-by-step guide to having a happy relationship, those in it are placed in a vulnerable position.
For instance, if a relationship happens to be abusive, then this can create a broken or disintegrated person within the scenario. If one party in the relationship is abused, it can have massive consequences on their mental and emotional health. From this particular problematic core, other aspects in their life are then often negatively affected. There is quite a large percentage of relationships in which a party is emotionally abused. Emotional abuse more often takes on the form of brain washing. In an almost systematic and relentless way, a person becomes stripped of their self-esteem and self-confidence. Emotional abuse is inflicted by constant belittling, berating, domination, intimidation and humiliation.
The result is then somebody who not only suffers from unhappiness or depression, but the wounds can go far as losing one's sense of self and personal value. There may not be physical signs of emotional abuse. But the effects are far more deep, cutting down to one's very spiritual heart. An emotionally abused person may in fact not recognize the abuse inflicted on them. There is the so-called cycle of emotional abuse which parents pass on to their children. A person who themselves grew up in an abusive environment may not be able to distinguish that they themselves suffer from emotional abuse.
For them, an environment of emotional abuse has become the usual. An abused person may not be able to determine what normal relationship strife is from emotional abuse. Even the healthiest relationships experience conflicts and disagreements from time to time. No two people in any context agree on every single issue. But there is a distinction between occasional conflict and abusive behavior. For a person suffering from emotional abuse, this distinction is blurred. And they ma emotionally abused person y live in constant unhappiness which could lead to deterioration. For a person experiencing emotional abuse, they ought to identify and recognize the abuse.
This is not an easy step, but it would help if they talked to friends or family members who can listen without judging. A counselor, social worker or support group can also be of much help. The longer the emotional abuse takes place, the more difficult it is to escape. Emotional abuse strikes the very core of a person. And emotional abuse in a relationship determines whether a person is happy or not, responsible or otherwise, a success or a failure. This is the significance of a relationship- it can make or break a person. Relationships are dealt with day by day, and are supposed to grow in the same manner.
Random occurrences take place, both good and bad. For a relationship to succeed, it takes people who are keen and flexible enough to cope with random events. There is no step by step guide to relationships, but the most basic rule remains that people in it keep an open mind to growth and giving each other proper due.
The author of this article Rose Windale is a Health and Wellness Coach who has been successful with several natural health programs for many years. Rose decided to share her knowledge and tips through her website You can sign up for her free newsletter and enjoy a healthy and happy life.