For more than a century now, the power of the subconscious has been under debate. Although not keenly recorded, the use of the subconscious was believed to be negative, especially for use in sorcery. It's only at the turn of the century that it was discovered that our subconscious is responsible for the outcomes of our lives.
The scientific community eventually joined in the debate and they are now able to tell us that the power of the subconscious does indeed play a important part in prosperity, health, relationships and literally all other areas of our lives.
Since the movie "The Secret" was released, more and more people are today aware of the influence of their thoughts on the outcomes in their lives. They are starting to realise that the power of the subconscious plays a role in determining the result of their efforts. More people than ever today know about the law of attraction.
There is a way that you have to apply the power of the subconscious as described in the law of attraction though, for it to work. In this article, we will be looking at the first few things that you need to know in order to apply the power of the subconscious successfully.
The Power of the subconscious mind and your greatest gift
We all agree that free will is the greatest gift that man possesses. Only human beings can completely reinvent their subconscious so that they program there-in a new set of thoughts. This idea has been there since centuries ago, so that even the Bible states that "as a man thinketh in his heart, so he is." But how does this tie in with the law of attraction, prosperity and abundance?
Consider all those extremely wealthy people that you have heard of who have gone ahead to lose everything they had. They go back and rebuild their empire, and their success. Is it possible that someone could get that lucky twice in a lifetime? These people have written books about how they did it, but people study them all the time with no success. So what sets these people apart? It boils down to one thing; it's not the principles applied, but rather the person applying the principals. They must have a certain mindset that makes them be able to do the right thing at the right time, having confidence that it will work out.
Fortunately, as the mind is programmable, you can teach yourself to think as these people do. You can train your subconscious for positive expectations in everything that you do, so that even as you're working, you are getting all the opportunities to get to your dreams. In a short while, you'll begin to see results by using the power of the subconscious.
The Power of the Subconscious Mind and Your Connection to the Infinite
Within the last 100 years, scientists have discovered that we are all a part of a large energy field. Every living thing on earth is a part of this energy field and whether it's solid, liquid or gas will be determined by its vibration state or energy. You can use the subconscious to change this conditioning. The vibration seeks out a similar one out there, whether it's something that you want or not and it comes back to you.
This is what has eventually become known as the law of attraction. In its most basic, it states that the things that you have in your life are as a result of your subconscious programming. And it will continue to be used to bring into your life your thoughts over and over again.
So it is time you start using the power of the subconscious for better health, prosperity and success.
Vik Sharma is ready to help you by sharing his smart success strategies that could make a huge impact on how you life your life. One year ago I started with an Online business and after struggling for 6 months I realised it wasn't the lack of knowledge that was the cause of poor results rather the way I approached things on daily basis. After using these smart strategies I have made some huge strides in my business. The strategies I am going to share can truly make you a Winner in whatever it is that you wish to achieve. You just have to add a little action to it. I invite you to head over to to download these strategies in my ebook Become Your Best Self while fulfilling all your dreams. See you there!