
2012年6月14日 星期四

Sexual Health - A Key To Successful Marriage

Sexual Health affects all areas of your life, from your career, to your relationship, to your family. When you think about it, all life starts with sex. Every woman and man on the planet was brought into the world by a woman, through sex. Though our media is fascinated with sexual entertainment, thoughtful or practical discussions of real life sexual health and happiness, especially regarding women, are avoided. Western culture tends to not take the sexual health and happiness of women seriously. According to a University of Chicago study, 33.4% of women suffer from a low sex drive, 24.1% have problems reaching orgasm and 14.4% experience pain while having sex. Obviously we are having problems. So why should you address your sexual health and happiness?

An unhealthy sex life inhibits the development of relationships, most important one being the relationship you have with yourself. Neglecting your sexual being can be destructive to your self esteem. Having poor self esteem affects how we perform as employees, managers, business owners, mothers, wives and girlfriends. Low self esteem causes in-decisiveness. Because you doubt yourself, you doubt your decisions and if you doubt your decisions, so do other people. Low self esteem poisons relationships with friends, family, co-workers, parents and kids for several reasons. When you feel inadequate you set yourself up to be victimized by others or you victimize others.

Have you ever noticed how when you are wearing a hot new outfit and your hair looks right and your nails are done, things seem to magically go your way? When your self-esteem is through the roof, people feel it and treat you the way you treat yourself. John Eliot a psychologist who specializes in human performance cites confidence as one of the key ingredients in over-achievement! Feeling good about yourself makes good things happen! And how you feel about yourself sexually is a major component of your self identity.

Having a healthy sex life is also important in your romantic relationships. Do you enjoy having sex with your partner? Does sex with your partner satisfy you or do you always feel frustrated and unfulfilled? Do you still find your partner sexy and do you feel attractive and satisfying to your partner? Though there is much more to a great relationship than great sex, bad sex is definitely a problem! No one wants to be in an un-fulfilling relationship? And no one wants to suffer the damage of a divorce or break up when it could have been avoided. No matter how your relationship started, there comes a time when a healthy and fun sex life will take a conscious effort of communication, patience and education. To learn new things you must try new things!

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". - Albert Einstein

Nowadays, not only does your sexual health have a serious effects on the health of your body but those of your children also. Many people are still undereducated about safe sex. Despite modern technology there are still record number of accidental pregnancies, while the rate of new reported STD cases grows astronomically. Some of these diseases can kill and can be passed on to unborn children. What many people don't want to talk about is that even married and monogamous women becoming infected, because they are in physically and emotionally unhealthy sexual relationships with their husbands.

So ladies (and gentlemen if you are reading), please take your sexual health and happiness seriously because so much is at stake! Take time to educate yourself on how to enjoy sex safely. Have intelligent discussions with friends and families. Stay abreast on the latest developments in sexual health and medicine and understand that the art of giving and receiving sexual pleasure is as important as important, if not more so than cooking, painting or music. Yes, there is such a thing as dirty sex, but sex is not dirty.

Kat Williams

Ladies, go to GreatSex4Girls.com and learn how to better enjoy sexual intimacy with your husband or boyfriend!

