Many people these days don't know how to renew a relationship or they simply do not want to try. Let's face it - adult relationships take some nurturing and attention to succeed. A healthy relationship requires both partners to invest some time and energy to make it happen.
Check your sexual health temperature.
Okay, I said it. If you aren't getting along or "getting it on" in the bedroom then change it up a bit. I am no Dr. Ruth but you might just want to change the how, why, when and where you do it.
There are numerous studies related to sexual health in relationships and tons of resources online to discover. With that said, how about you just try to change it up a bit. See what happens. Spontaneity could be the mother of invention or intervention.
How is your mental health?
I'm not asking you to check your head to see if you are crazy here. What is your mindset? Are you stressed at work? Are you stressed because you aren't working or are out of work? Are the children driving you bananas?
Your state of mind plays a huge role in the health of any relationship. You might just need to have some "me" time before you go home to your particular situation.
Communication is key.
Do I really need to say it? You have to talk. I don't know anybody that has been given the gift of telepathy. Don't assume you know what your partner is thinking or going to say. Speak up. Just don't speak loudly by raising your voice. I'm not talking about arguing just opening your mouth.
In order for the truth to be known it must be heard. You can't hide it and expect it to come out. You have to bring it out into the open and let it breathe. Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about saying you are right and they are wrong. I'm saying that you must open your mouth and communicate and let your thoughts be heard. Good communication is crucial if you are serious about learning how to renew a relationship.
Any relationship requires ongoing attention, especially when it is strained. There are answers to your questions and solutions to your dilemma. The truth can be found at Try Making Up