
2012年7月19日 星期四

Applying the Secret - Part 4 - Money, Health and Relationships


Money always comes first. Without money you cannot acquire the things you want or create the lifestyle you want. Only with an abundance of money can you provide adequately for you and your family, ensuring their health, well-being and development. Only with an abundance of money can you travel the world, surround yourself with nice things and develop your intellect and knowledge. You want to have money so you can eat, drink and be merry when it is time to do these things.

The key is to see yourself as a Money Magnet, because money itself is a powerful magnetic energy and you are attracting all that you want using the signal your thoughts and energy are putting out.

Be clear about how much money you want. Be specific. Do not say "I want to be rich", try saying "I am so happy and grateful now that I am earning $100,000 per year". Notice I said I am so happy and grateful NOW that. It is important that you speak, act and think like you already have the money. You need to use your free time visualizing yourself spending that money in whatever way you want. What would you buy your friends and family with that money? What good could you provide to others with that money? Think about how it FEELS. It will feel great! Keep that feeling with you all the time. Keep those images in your head all the time. Your thoughts create things- so make them good!

Make a list of all the things you will buy and keep referring to it often. Do whatever it takes for you to feel wealthy. Go test drive that car, or take a tour of your dream home, try on that jewelry. Appreciate all the wealth around you. Whenever you see wealth, take the time to show gratitude for that wealth- even if it is not yours. Imagine it IS yours and again, keep that wonderful feeling with you.

Repeat this affirmation daily:

I am so happy and grateful now that I have more than enough money for everything that I want and it is coming to me effortlessly and easily on a continuous basis from multiple sources in ever increasing quantities. I am a Money Magnet and I deserve it!

Then, you need to be in love with 2 things:

Yourself- know that you deserve great wealth and an abundance of money. Remind yourself that you are a money magnet and check if you are attracting money or pushing it away with your thoughts and feelings throughout the day.

Money- fall in love with money. This is where many people go wrong. They do not love money because they do not have enough of it. If you can learn to love money regardless of appearances (the fact that you may not have a lot of it), then you are opening yourself to receive great wealth.

Visualizing is a very powerful tool. Write out a cheque to yourself for the amount of money you want to attract in your life (I have a blank downloadable cheque in my blog) Put it in your wallet or on your mirror where you will see it everyday. Know that this money is coming to you, but do not worry about how. FEEL GOOD- the positive energy helps to attract things and make your manifestations work. Remember: wealth is a mindset. Money is attracted to you or repelled from you, it all depends on the way you think.


You can change any relationship you have right now. All of your relationships are direct results of your own thoughts and feelings and what you have attracted into your life. Every relationship and interaction with someone you have is a reflection of your own thoughts and feelings in that moment. Change your thoughts and feelings and you can change your relationships.

To change your relationships, you must first have a love for yourself. For you can only love someone else if you know how to love yourself first. Not only should you love yourself, but you should know that you are perfect, worthy and deserving of everything you could possibly want in your life. Do not let any negative thoughts about yourself enter your mind. This will have a terrible effect on your outcome. Appreciate and love yourself in every moment that you can. Respect yourself.

Once you have done this, you need to see the good side of people and never think negatively of another person. Do not blame or criticize people ever. Focus on the good of people and choose only to see that. Intend for you to only see the good in everything and everyone.

The next thing to do is realize that you cannot be everything for everyone, nor can you make everyone happy - so stop trying. You just need to love and respect people enough to be able to let them take care of themselves. You should also realize that you cannot expect people to do what you want to make yourself happy. You can only create in your own Universe and only you can truly make yourself happy.

And finally, don't let things get you down. Get away from them before they do bring you down. If it doesn't make you feel good, Do not do it!


Dr. John Demartini said "Incurable means curable from within. Disease is the body's way of giving you feedback that you are not loving or grateful".

Note: what is mentioned below is by no means a replacement for proper medical care. If you are ill, you should implement the actions below whilst at the same time pursing the appropriate medical intervention.

The first and most important thing you need to do to be able to overcome any illness or disease is to have a deep and profound love for yourself. Only with this love can you fight a battle for survival. Make a list of all the wonderful things about yourself. Then, totally let go of any past resentments or disappointments you might have about yourself, everyone or everything around you. Never criticize or blame yourself, anyone or anything around you.

Next, you need to see yourself as totally fit and healthy and visualize yourself doing things in perfect state of health. Don't speak too much about your disease or problems with others as you will just be attracting more of it by giving energy to it. Do whatever you can to distract yourself from it.

It is important to know that you can cure yourself. You can heal yourself with the phenomenal power of the mind. Be happy and know that your body is healing itself in your state of happiness. Do whatever you need to do to stay happy. Laugh your way to health. Watch funny movies or TV shows, or recall funny situations in your life. Laughter is the best medicine (even Doctors will tell you that!). Make happiness the number one thing in your life.

When you completely love yourself and feel true joy inside you, disease cannot exist. Know that you are perfect as you are right now!

If you can learn to implement these things in your daily life, you will be effectively applying the Secret.

My name is Lina Atkinson. I am a certified Life Coach specializing in Business and Executive Coaching. My company is Success Consulting and is located in the Maldives. I offer coaching services to people and businesses in Maldives and abroad. Visit my website http://www.successmaldives.com for more information.

Copyright 2007 - Lina Atkinson. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way, give author name credit and follow all of the EzineArticles terms.

