
2012年7月28日 星期六

Christian Health - Spiritual Warfare and Chronic Illness

So you've just been diagnosed with a chronic condition or illness and you're not sure how to feel. Do you feel relieved that at least now you know what is "wrong" with you? Do you feel like someone just kicked you in the stomach because the doctor said you'll probably have to deal with this the rest of your life? Are you gripped with fear?

Or do you praise God for His unfathomable grace, mercy, love and peace that passes ALL understanding and thank Him for the chance to strengthen your relationship with your Lord and Savior? If you are like most people, you didn't pick praising God.

So starts the physical battle for our health and the spiritual warfare for our faith.

When we encounter something that takes away our perceived control we start to fear. Why? Because the evil one, Satan, stirs doubt in our minds and hearts that God is able to take care of us. We start to rely on someone or something else to "save us"; to cure what is wrong with us. Satan sets up a pseudo savior as the proverbial carrot that we run after because we feel SOMEONE needs to be in control of the situation; it sure isn't us and it doesn't appear as though God is or we wouldn't be sick.

We seek out medical professionals because with their knowledge and honed skills they must be able to take control of our health. But if one doctor fails us, there must be another or another. Sometimes we feel like a dog chasing it's tail. But, we conclude that if "professionals" can only manage our disease or condition then that must suffice us and we have to settle with their last word for our health. Nothing more can be done.

That's what some support groups are for; to ease the pain of relinquishing the hope of recovery, to help you adjust to your new normal.

Someone that has a chronic illness often feels like a victim, acts like a victim, thinks like a victim and prays like a victim. They feel as though their life has been taken away and they have no control. But, as Christians we need to remember that as humans we never had control in the first place. Our life is God's and we are in His hands. He created us and sustains us. As believers in Christ we need to also remember that we do not fight for victory; we fight from victory only because in Christ's power we are invincible!

When we end up on the medical-go-round, rushing around from doctor to doctor, from procedure to procedure we find ourselves being like Martha when Jesus came to visit; too busy and anxious to stop and listen. We hardly take time to sit at the feet of Jesus like Mary did to hear to what her Lord had to say. We're so busy praying and pleading with God for healing that we neglect to "listen" to what He has to say to us in His Word.

And what does God say? He tells us our battle is not of the flesh but is spiritual in nature, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. As Christians we know we've won the spiritual battle because of our assurance of eternal life. But what we don't understand is that when Satan has us chasing around in circles for a human medical answer he is also distracting us from the truth and work God has for us.

Satan plants thoughts of doubt, anger, worry, self-reliance, discouragement and fear in us and those around us. He keeps us from concentrating on God and focused on ourselves and our problem. Satan is hell-bent on destroying our lives and our relationship with our Maker and Redeemer and with our family and friends. By keeping us busy with our own problems he keeps us from serving others and building God's kingdom.

The truth as told to us in the First chapter of Joshua is that if we immerse ourselves in God's Word and Truth that success will be ours through Him. We are told not to stray from the Truth of His Word. Matthew 6:33 says that we are to seek God's kingdom and righteousness first and we will receive everything we need. I John 5:4-5 states that whatever is born of God overcomes the world and the victory is through our faith.

In Ephesians 6 God tells us to put on the FULL ARMOR of GOD for our struggle is spiritual.

As Christians faced with a chronic illness or condition either brought on by our own lifestyle or by being exposed to toxins outside our control, DO NOT put God at the end of the rope. Don't save Him as the final last-ditch effort when all else has failed; saying "Well, ALL I can do now is pray". As Christians that thinking is backward. Prayer is POWERFUL and should be the first step! It moves things in the spiritual realm that affects the physical world. Not by our might but by the Almighty.

It's easy to get caught up in pity parties, medical-go-rounds, and chasing pseudo-saviors of all kinds. God wants to take you out of the medical wilderness you have been wandering in. He's waiting for you to seek Him, His righteousness and His wisdom as your first priority. He's waiting for you to give up control to Him and let Him be God. He may well bring you to that medical professional or to natural means that will bring about healing. He may even supernaturally heal you immediately.

But what is most important to God is our personal relationship with Him and acting on that relationship by how we think of ourselves and how we treat others. We build that relationship by talking to Him (prayer) and by Him talking to us (divine revelation in His Word). As His children let us take God at His Word that with Him ALL things are possible!

If you would like a health guide and researcher, an accountability partner and a battle buddy to team up with you to assist you in defeating your chronic illness, go to Your Next Step and see if I can be of benefit.

Christian Natural Health Coach, Patti Olson, was inspired to become a health and wellness coach after her victory over 23 years of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and assisting her husband's victory over Farmer's Lung, sleep apnea and arthritis.

Since then she has helped many others overcome their chronic conditions by following the same basic steps. Get her free report titled Overcome Chronic Illness: 5 Steps to Reclaiming Your Life from:


