More than once I've been asked what qualities I look for in any woman when I entertain thoughts of a relationship involving deep love.
Love is a communication code. Love is a two way street of communication. Love is to feel affection for someone, to hold dear, to cherish. Love is devotion, feelings, passion, and tenderness. It is to feel reverent adoration.
No male should ever wait until after the marriage vows to begin the two-way communication that should have been ongoing during the dating and engagement period.
Every male should have a check list of qualities he likes and qualities he does not like; a check list that he and his potential love discuss in detail early in any and every relationship.
From the beginning both parties must make it clear what each likes, dislikes, expects...and what each will not tolerate. Both must have a clear understanding that neither will ever tolerate abuse of "any" type of abuse or dishonesty or gambling. These should always be positive no nos.
It's very important that both individuals feel that they have the desire to form a partnership and always be a team as they share and work hard together as partners to achieve joint goals.
It is a lucky man who finds a true loving woman and it is a lucky woman that finds a true loving man. Any human that can capture this luck should cherish life and thank God.
But this gift is seldom achieved by luck alone. I feel that a lasting love is far more than sexual desires and enjoying just the physical beauty of a female. Therefore every one must carefully look for genuine elements of a lasting love.
Yes, I strongly feel that a well matched man and woman team can actually learn to love each other more and more through the years as they enjoy their marriage as a business deal and partnership with objectives and goals; which they carefully and energetically worked together on as partners to achieve.
If a man and a woman are most likely to succeed in a long-term relationship they both will desire a 50/50 everything. They will respect each other so much that they will work hard to adjust to daily disagreements through two way communications; and there will be many daily misunderstandings to discuss.
Men have for ever written, "Love makes the world turn." I've have forever known that a pretty body makes my head turn and my heart beat fast and my mind think "love".
Oh yes, I am turned on by most physically beautiful women. I feel every healthy male is. However, males must be careful and realize that the hidden beauty or character is more important. I can easily find a beautiful one-night-stand if sex is all that I desire. This is definitely not a relationship.
Too often men find out too late that sexual satisfaction is not the same as a relationship.
Many females have the physical looks that can capture the mind and heart of most males just as many women also possess the hidden and unadvertised qualities that are needed to satisfy a lasting relationship of true love. This is the difficult area for most males to understand and make wise decisions.
I enjoy Van Dyke's poem, "Love in a Look" (in public domain).
Let me but feel thy look's embrace,
Transparent, pure, and warm,
And I'll not ask to touch thy face,
Or fold thee with mine arm.
For in thine eyes a girl doth rise,
Arrayed in candid bliss,
And draws me to her with a charm
More close than any kiss.
A loving-cup of golden wine,
Songs of a silver brook,
And fragrant breaths of eglantine,
Are mingled in thy look.
More fair they are than any star,
Thy topaz eyes divine --
And deep within their trysting-nook
Thy spirit blends with mine.
I feel love for many reasons, but it's easier when I feel the other person honestly feels love for me too. It's like the many reasons that I and others think beauty is far deeper than just the beautiful physical looks.
It's often difficult for individuals to realize that a worthwhile relationship is entirely different than a mere friendship or sexual encounter. A relationship is not a one-night or one-month stand. It can be very beautiful or it can result in a nightmare of unnecessary discomfort, misery, and hate.
A relationship can lead to marriage, which can be a true blessing or a true nightmare. A nightmare can result in a divorce. This can result in one party legally taking the other party to the cleaners for pure preplanned advantages. This can result in one party being legally obligated for many expensive years.
Cleanliness is next to beauty. I don't expect a woman to wash the bar of soap after she showers, but showering daily with soap is an expectation. A female needs to smell fresh every minute of the day and night. Few things are as repulsive as smelling sour makeup on a woman's face night or day or being exposed to other displeasing body or clothing odors any day or night of the month.
It's seldom by accident when a woman has beautiful skin. Likely her mother taught her, as many mothers teach their daughters, not to wear makeup, because it damages the pores of the skin. Of course it's a time consuming routine to take the time every evening to wash the face vigorously and apply a face lotion to protect your skin.
If skin is properly cared for in younger years most women of any age will find that all they need will be lip stick and face lotion. Then she will often hear, "Oh, your skin is like that of a baby."
Of course it takes extra time to achieve these goals, but it's worth it. The body and clothes need to always express a fresh fragrance. Hair should always be shinny-clean and well kept. Teeth should be clean and sparkle and shoes should be polished and in good repair.
To me it's wonderful to be around a woman that has confidence and is purely natural and has no need for put-on actions, talk, or dress. It adds to her beauty as she allows her hair to change shades with age without feeling a need for dyes and wild styles. Graceful aging is true natural beauty.
A confident woman has attained a sound education and can easily hold a conversation with anyone on any subject. A confident well-groomed woman frequently captures the center of attention where ever she goes. She accomplishes this with out showing-off in any way to attract attention. She doesn't need to seek attention as her shoe heels click on the pavement or floor like horse shoes. She speaks softly and finds no need to be loud. Her table manners are emasculate and others are proud to sit next to her.
She has a knack for always setting a fine example. She attempts to be considerate of the feelings of others as she politely offers advice and assistance without being pushy.
There is no doubt with anyone that this woman always sets the proper example for her children and others. She raises her children with necessary discipline and teaches them to respect others day and night
A worthwhile woman is genuinely concerned about her own health and the health of her family. She tries hard to teach her children the importance of adequate rest and proper healthy food.
A worthwhile woman has integrity. She is totally honest with herself, mate, children and friends. She understands that she has the responsibility to teach her children the importance of honesty. She is generous with time and material wealth, yet always looks for ways to save money and time.
This woman gains respect from her mate as she shows respect for her mate.
Every male deserves a worthwhile relationship and mate. Males must learn to be strict with themselves as they deal with females at any time, especially when considering entering into a relationship. Every relationship needs to be built on and participated in based on proven fundamentals of successful businesses.
Relationships and marriage must be considered a business; a partnership with agreed on objectives and goals.
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I am especially interested in adequate present and future medical care for our military members. Effective sex education for all children is paramount. Children must understand masturbation, condom use, birth control, desiring sexual satisfaction, responsibilities of marriage, child care, and personal health. Females must become educated, self confident, and stop feeling inferior to males. America and Christians must act to eliminate hunger and; poverty and curable diseases from our earth. Saving the rain forests is a must. Out environment is a major issue. We are fools not to concentrate on sun and wind energy. A major goal should be to produce only fuel efficient automobiles.