There are two wealths; one that everyone talks about, worries about and can't pay the rent without. That's the outer one. And the other one, which no one knows much about.
Self worth, what are you worth? If you strip away your outer wealth, what are you worth? This is innerwealth. Innerwealth is what changes the way you feel, how you handle stress, your immune system, what partner you attract, how you feel about yourself, and therefore others.
Innerwealth is a tricky subject because when we don't have much of it, we depend on others to give it to us. So, then what other people think about us gives us the impression we have Innerwealth. But just like a loan from the bank, the problem with innerwealth that comes from others, is that we have to pay interest, they can call up the loan at anytime, and if interest rates go up, and we loose the ability to repay the loan, we're in deep trouble.
That's what happens to people in relationships. They get their innerwealth from their partner, they pay interest, then the interest gets raised and then they can't afford it. One day they are faced with a big problem. Bankruptcy
So the first thing in building innerwealth is to make it independent of what others think. Innerwealth cannot be a loan, borrowed from others
The second thing about building innerwealth is to recognize that there is temporary and permanent innerwealth. Permanent innerwealth is a deep and wonderful sense of self worth. Temporary innerwealth, self esteem is unsustainable but is vitally important, because when we feel internally poor, insecure, temporary bridging finance can help us. Temporary innerwealth comes from how we look, how we impress others, how much knowledge we have. Temporary innerwealth is based on being better, smarter, wiser, richer, prettier, stronger, faster, or cleverer that others. It's a comparison.
By comparing ourselves to others we build bridges over our insecurity. Innerwealth that comes from comparison is competitive and aggressive. Aggressive because to feel good we must be better than someone, and therefore we are always trying to beat them. This is called righteousness.
The third thing about innerwealth is that there is no real experience of it. When you were 1 meter tall you measured yourself on the door jam. Three years later you measured yourself again and were astonished to find out that you'd grown. People around you knew you'd grown, your tight clothes proved you'd grown, but to you, inside that machine called your body, it felt the same.
Innerwealth, the sense of self worth causes a change in the outer circumstances of ones life. The more innerwealth, the more outer wealth. (it doesn't work the opposite way unfortunately) So, as you grow, so your circumstances change to accommodate that growth. So, new shoes for bigger feet, mean the feet still feel like they are in the same shoes, even if they are bigger. So, life challenges come and go, even if you grow your innerwealth, the only thing that changes is the size of the problem, not the experience of it.
For example; when you were 5 and you lost a dollar, it was devastating. You could do so much with that dollar. Your self worth was small, your outer worth was small, it was perfect. Then at 10 years old you lost that dollar, it didn't matter so much. Now it took $10 to cause you the same drama. And when you were 20, it could be $100. You see, your self worth grows and the size of the abundance grows, and so too does the size of the problem.
Say you fall in love at 15, your partner umps you and it hurts. When you are 30 the same thing happens and it hurts the same. But your capacity to love has multiplied by 100 in the meantime. The shoes are still shoes even if the feet have grown.
The forth point about Innerwealth has just been mentioned. That most people try to build a sense of self worth by building outer wealth is obvious. Most religion could not exist if people understood the difference between inner and outer wealth. We build outer wealth by being all moral, always right, looking good, attracting people, causing things to react, creating, destroying, being better than, more powerful than, or, most commonly, a help to, others.
Finally, what are the REAL Building blocks of Innerwealth.
We now know that sustained Innerwealth cannot come from others, or from anything we own. We have seen the difference between short term bridging finance, and long term investment is true self worth. Now, we must understand the building blocks of innerwealth.
Innerwealth comes from love. The more you can love, the more innerwealth you can have. There is the heart and there is mind. Heart can love. Mind can think it loves. Mind says, "I love you because" heart says "I love you anyway"
Innerwealth is self love. So, to understand innerwealth, you must understand what love is, what is self love and how to do what you love.
My book, Innerwealth, is about this topic. So, I will not elaborate too much. But I will summarize these three topics here.
Love is the experience of a connection we have to something or someone. Once we have that connection, we can say, I love you, or I love it. That connection, between us, and the object of our love is like a silk thread. It can be broken so easily. Then, if love is gone, only relationship can exist. Relationship without love is not bad. But Innerwealth depreciates when love is absent. Self worth drops when we loose love.
Mind is not love. Mind is what breaks the thread of love. Mind learns to judge. This is right and this is wrong. Then mind can say "I let love out, if you do good and I close love down if you do bad" Mind controls the expression and experience of love. It judges. Judgement is there because we feel the need to protect ourselves.
So, to really build self worth, we must learn to manage mind. This is difficult, because mind is really our sense of self identity. We think we are what we think. So, if someone questions our thoughts, we feel attacked or insulted. That is why low self worth is growing in the world, because more people are identifying with what they believe, in religion, philosophy and social welfare. Unconsciousness is therefore revealed as the belief of right. Consciousness is defined as the awareness that right is simply an illusion.
Self Love grows the less we judge ourselves. So, actually self improvement, which is based on the premise that I need to improve something, is flawed in the fact that all it can do is to make us more right, hence unconscious.
Unconsciousness is the only thing that can block love. Innerwealth's enemy is unconsciousness and all unconsciousness leads to one place, emotion. Our emotions are our experience of mind. Mind generates emotions based on what it believes to be right and wrong, good and bad. Most of that mind stuff is conditioned through social and religious mass consciousness, which is really, mass unconsciousness.
Love means unconditional. If the condition for love is doing, being, acting out, behaving in a certain way, thinking, speaking, doing, smelling, tasting or touching in a certain way then it is really emotion. Emotion is mind, mind, as we said, cannot love.
Doing what you love means doing something regardless of the experience of it. In other words whether it pleases you and displeases you, then you still do it, for love. That is what innerwealth teaches. Do what you love and evolve the process so you can do more and more of it everyday. Not less.
Evolve the process that allows us more time to do what we love. Evolve means, refine the process. Do more in less time, or have more with less effort (energy) - Evolve means refine the process so you can do more of what you love. If you don't know what you love, then you wont refine the process. This is the case with most people. They don't refine the process because the net result of any process adjustment is just more work on top.
Innerwealth, self love is mirrored in the love for others. The culmination of this is the capacity to do what you love. To do what you love, you'll need a purpose greater than yourself. Otherwise you'll be simply pleasure seeking, playing mind games.
Innerwealth means self worth, and self worth can be measured in love. How much of the world can you look at and love. With this, self worth, or innerwealth determines the amount of the worlds assets you feel worthy of sharing. How much relationship, financial wealth, success, happiness, health, and longevity you feel worthy of.
Self esteem, is the short term form of innerwealth. Self esteem means short term emotional highs. A sense of looking good, dressing good being better than others. The problem with self esteem, as opposed to self worth, is that an upper in self esteem must be balanced by a downer. This explains the growth in depression, chronic fatigue, domestic violence, substance abuse and stress related health problems. The world has become more interested in shorter term solutions to low self worth. Instead, I suggest you go against the flow. Learn how to build your innerwealth and use self esteem for short term solutions to nervousness and fear.
I hope you learn allot from understanding the difference between Innerwealth and Outer wealth. Once relatively unimportant, innerwealth has now been shown to clearly affect health, longevity, happiness, financial stability, learning ability, social behaviour and of course the continuity of your relationships.
Real life long term solutions come through innerwealth because this is living, growing and loving as nature intended.
Live with Spirit
Chris Walker is a world leading change agent, an environmentalist and author of more than 20 books. Born and bred in Australia, he consults to people and organisations throughout the world on improved relationships, health and lifestyle through the application of the Universal laws of Nature. The result he offers is that we stay balanced, share loving relationships, work with passion, enjoy success, and live our personal truth. To learn more about Chris?s work and journeys to Nepal, visit