
2012年7月15日 星期日

Mind Body Spirit Health, Do You Know How to Keep All Three Healthy?

Here are some ways we can create our mind body spirit health and keep all three healthy. Making sure our three bodies are working at their top performance is essential for good health.

Our first part of mind body spirit health is our mind, subconscious or emotional body, this body works invisibly to help us achieve our goals in life. We have control over it to some degree and are able to reprogram it to help us achieve what we desire most.

Our emotional body

We need to keep our subconscious body healthy by keeping good relationships and fixing broken ones. If we keep hold of old broken relationships and don't try to fix them, either by healing the relationship or by forgiving and then forgetting the relationship then our emotional body still feels hurt, and the hurt can cause other problems.

Another thing about our subconscious body is that it keeps thousands upon thousands of situations and thoughts inside itself. If any of these thoughts or situations are not fulfilled or completed then we are renting rent-free space in our brain for those hurtful or unfulfilled things. If we can complete those things or forgive and forget, we can open our emotional body to better and greater things to come.

One way to help our emotional body is by talking to ourselves in a mirror. This may sound funny at first but it is a very good way of helping our emotional body in its health. We can start out by asking ourselves

"How are you today?" and "It is good to see you again." Then we can start by saying "I would like to complement you today on..." We then start to list all the things that we have accomplished today. They can be very little things like going for a walk, or chewing our food properly so that our digestion will work better, or that we made a step towards a better relationship with someone, or that we are doing more exercise, or we are completing one of our goals.

Our emotional body loves hearing all these praises and it will thank us afterwards by giving us a happy and satisfied feeling. After we are finished talking to our emotional body, we can tell ourselves in the mirror that we love ourselves.

Having a healthy respect for our self is a very important part of mind body spirit health. Telling our emotional body we love ourselves, helps a great deal in balancing our bodies, because many times we may feel that our life is missing love, or friendship, or we may be unsatisfied with our physical body and because of that unsatisfied feeling, our emotional body is affected.

However, when we tell ourselves that we care and we do love ourselves our emotional body becomes happier and is then more willing to listen to our needs.

Next on our list of mind body spirit health is our physical body. This is a very important part because our physical body has a big affect on our emotional body as well.

Our physical body.

We need to keep our physical body fit, strong, and healthy by doing daily exercises, by eating right and by doing our best to live a stress free lifestyle. If we can achieve these things, our physical body will be in top shape. We will feel full of life, energy, vigor, strength and confidence.

Our emotional body will thank us for our efforts because from having, a well toned and healthy body, we create good remarks and admiration from others. We also have good sex appeal. Our emotional body loves these things, so by keeping our physical body healthy we start to help our emotional body as well.

The last part of our mind body spirit health exercise is to help our spiritual body. Doing this will greatly help the other two bodies work together nicely.

Our spiritual body

We can keep our spiritual body happy by giving in charity to others in need, by being kind and humble to others, by praising God or the universe, by setting an example for others to follow.

Anything that we can do that will help others in living better, in feeling better and in learning more about God or the universe makes the soul happier. Our souls are happiest when they are in tune with God or the universe. So, by doing acts of kindness and charity to the less fortunate ones, we can further our progress towards the greater good.

If we can practice on a daily basis, be kind to everyone, be humble to others, and learn to forgive and forget, our souls will develop a great happiness, which will help us to become balanced in all three of our bodies.

Acharya D Hargreaves, is a published author of two health books, Digest Alive Lose Weight and build a great body Naturally, Digest Alive The Natural Cure to Heartburn and the owner of [http://www.natural-way-to-lose-weight-fast.com] a website dedicated to helping overweight and obese people with their weight problems.

"Obesity and Overweight issues are signs that our bodies are unbalanced, to naturally Lose weight quickly and keep it off, we need to make our bodies feel the need to balance themselves out, when this happens we will lose weight fast and keep it off." He says.

In his spare time he likes to do 3D modeling and work with Art and writing, Acharya D Hargreaves lives on an Organic fruit orchard with his wonderful family.

Personal email: sight800@yahoo.com

