Relationships should come with a broken heart health warning.
Research has shown that after a relationship break up many people suffer with very real physical problems too. These include heart problems, insomnia, gastro-intestinal problems, depression, tension headaches and anxiety. Women in particular have an increased risk of suffering with heart problems and depression after a break up.
Could you be searching for more than a cure for a broken heart?
Like stress in any other circumstances, the stress caused by a relationship break up can cause many real symptoms and illnesses. It's important to look after yourself, take time to relax and let yourself emotionally recover from a relationship break up.
Broken Heart Health Tips
1. Eat regularly and healthily.
People often loose or gain a lot of weight after a relationship break up because of picking at food or comfort eating. Both types of eating patterns lack the vitamins and nutrients our body needs to fight off illnesses and disease. Plan your meals and make dates often with friends and family to eat a proper meal.
2. Sleep well
Often when you have a broken heart, our sleep pattern is disturbed as you toss and turn worrying about what went wrong. Try to maintain a good sleep pattern. Drink a cup of chamomile tea and have a hot bath to relax before bed.
3. Exercise often
Exercise releases endorphins, our natural feel good drug. Plenty of stimulating exercise will help you to mentally feel better as well as get fit too!
4. Learn to relax
Conquer the pain of heart break by letting go of thoughts of your ex. Find a quiet place each day you can feel comfortable and relax in. Try some meditation or deep breathing exercises to let go of the stress.
5. Accept the love
People who accept the support of family and friends are shown to recover more quickly from a relationship break up. Don't push away your friends, be honest with them about how you are feeling and accept their support.
By following these 5 tips you could find the cure for a broken heart and prevent other stress related illnesses.
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