You've come to the place on your journey since involvement with an emotional abuser where you've asked yourself no less than a gazillion questions. Getting the correct answer to your next question, "How do I move forward after a relationship breakup with an emotional abuser?" is paramount.
Why is the correct answer paramount? The correct answer is what will give you peace and will lay the groundwork for what will possibly be the most exciting next chapter in your life if you so choose to ever enter the dating scene again in hopes of finding the true knight in shining armor.
After a relationship breakup, time is required to mend and heal your broken heart. One of the thoughts that will enter your mind during the healing process after a destructive and emotionally abusive relationship is the fear of, "What if this happens again to me?"
You might even be able to recognize that you've had a repeat pattern of getting involved with the same type of person with similar outcomes, so you fear even more so the thought of ever dating again. If you recognize a repeat pattern, it is possibly due to your not investing time in your healing process determining what it is you want in your next relationship.
If you've gone through a relationship breakup and immediately immersed yourself in the dating scene thinking getting involved with someone else will help ease the pain, beware. You most likely will attract and be attracted to the same type of person you just broke up with or who just broke up with you.
Taking the time and asking yourself, "How do I move forward after a relationship breakup with an emotional abuser?" from the following perspective will prove to be foundational for successful future relationships, if you choose to ever date again.
Looking at the relationship that you just had with an emotional abuser should give you an extremely clear picture of what you do not ever want again in your life. Your horrific and life threatening relationship has allowed you to find out exactly what you do not want and what you will not tolerate.
If you look at the relationship you just got out of with an emotional abuser from the perspective that it was a waste of time, a waste of money, as well as a waste of a whole lot of other things, it will be difficult, if not impossible to move forward in complete health. It is part of the process of getting out of the relationship to assess how you are wasting time, money, your health, safety, etc., but in the healing process these factors need to be put in their proper perspective.
Identifying, acknowledging, and accepting that you wasted valuable resources and that you allowed yourself to be personally devalued is an angering and humbling experience. How can you move successfully forward being empowered after such an experience?
You ask yourself, "How do I move forward after a relationship breakup with an emotional abuser without being bitter and broken? How do I move forward with strength?"
The answer to your question begins with the gradual understanding that your experience of being in an emotionally abusive relationship gave you the clearest picture life could ever give you of exactly what you do not want. With that lesson, you can begin to identify exactly what you do want.
Once you are able to identify exactly what you do want and focus on those things, you are positioning yourself to look for, attract, and be attracted to the types of people that have those qualities.
Walking out your life knowing exactly what you want is a priceless key.
This truth might initially be difficult to swallow depending on where you are in your healing process. For some, this truth might not be able to even be tolerated.
For those who want to be empowered and strengthened by the torment and living hell of having been involved with an emotional abuser, this truth will be foundational.
This truth will prove to be foundational in finding peace and living with the hope that, yes, there are good people out there. And, yes, there is a knight in shining armor looking for you, just as you look for him.
FREE eBook, "5 BIGGEST Mistakes Made in a Relationship With an Emotional Abuser" -
FREE guides "What is emotional abuse?" and "What is an emotional abuser?" - Ruth Elaine David, Professional Mental Health Provider, teaches people how to prevent and stop emotional abuse in their intimate relationships with narcissistic/emotional abusers
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