Whether or not we realise it, we all get sexually frustrated to some extent. Friends don't even talk about this kind of frustration. We know when we are frustrated. We wonder "Are we getting enough sex?", "What would it be like with her?", "Am I missing out?", "Why does she not want it as much as I?". We wonder around seeing sex in everything and everyone in ways that we fail to see when our sexual needs are met.
Do you feel guilty when you consider your options for manually dealing with your frustrations? Guilt is learned behaviour. The extent to which you feel guilty about personally and directly dealing with your frustration, is based on many factors like your upbringing, maybe your religion, your attitudes and outlook on life. You may even worry about how people expect you to not act or not behave and let this stop you. You may even be mortified if you thought that your friends knew you were pleasuring yourself.
Well there is a health factor. This thinking may be affecting your health (you moods, your outlook). Dealing with your own frustrations is important to your health. Bear, in mind, however, that "the force of life" is incredibly strong (it is less about pleasure and more about procreation than you may care to think, but the pleasure is the motivation of course), and it is likely to be blocking your health rather than promote it.
If religious beliefs are holding you back then here is what I'd say. "Don't let your beliefs stop you from fully engaging now with this life unless you speak personally and directly with that deity yourself first".
Whatever your age your libido can be strong. For example, the mother of a friend of mine was paid to care for an old lady whose husband had passed away some time previously. My friend's mother would regularly talk about her client, who was so frustrated, that she would shamelessly and publicly rub herself against objects around the house in the desperate hope of relief.
Is this right or wrong? It does not matter. Surviving this life is paramount. At this ultra-personal level your personal habits about matters like this would be your business alone. So, deal with it however you feel you need to while retaining your dignity. "Taking care of business" has health benefits. It helps regulate your energy and the exent to which you might take reckless risks with sex.
Having a mutual relationship may help alleviate your frustration. You may be one of the lucky people that have access to someone that also craves physical contact that is willing to engage with you in this regard. All without emotional ties. For example, a friend of mine told me that when she broke up with a guy she was seeing, who was married, he offered to "help her out" on those occasions when she needed some action. There are plenty people that help each other out in all sorts of mutually beneficial ways, with and without money changing hands.
Some people use one-night stands to help with frustration. There carry obvious risks to your health. Despite the risks, which are pretty much well known, this remains a popular approach to handling sexual frustration - getting laid. It is popular because it fulfils a core basic human need, that of getting physical with another human being or mutual pleasure.
You may be even unable to take care of business yourself. For example, you may be disabled in some way. Under these circumstances, the exact way to deal with your frustration is hard to prescribe. I know of no methods (maybe I am not experienced enough) of dealing with personal frustration at this level because a practical solution would most likely rely on some kind of mutual relationship. In such a relationship, at least one very understanding person would play the part of helping to relieve the other of their frustrations.
Needless to say, with the advent of the Internet it is now easy for you to deal with your frustrations. The internet offers channels through which you can get any of the vast arrays of personal toys, discretely and anonymously, wherever they may reside sent to you via mail-order. Many of these objects exist simply to alleviate sexual frustration, alleviate depression and add excitement and pleasure to the act of love-making.
In summary, relieving your frustrations yourself gives you options over the long term and lead to better health. In the search for a partner with which to have a fulfilling relationship, deal personally with your frustrations until you get to a stage where your frustrations are no longer an issue. Don't let your beliefs stand in the way of your health, After all, Mother Nature, gave this fantastic option, as a gift, to you. It is your own relief valve.
Finding someone which whom you can be intimate may or may not be a lengthy process. Until you find that someone deal with your frustrations. You owe it to yourself. It sets you up to make better decisions, not out of lust, but with solid sensible emotions.
If you found this information useful, you may be interested in learning how to let your partner find you instead of struggling with this process. You may not have considered that by changing some aspects of yourself, your attitude, your behaviour, you can let your partner find you by becoming a perfect candidate that anyone would be more than interested in getting to know or even spend their life with.
Further information about one of life's most important activities, finding a partner, visit this link http://www.strugglefreedating.com