
2012年9月9日 星期日

Health & Wellbeing - What is it and Why is it Good For You

With all the discussion about health and well being, it would probably be helpful to explain what health and well being is and, more importantly, why is it important for you? I am sure there are plenty of scientific and medical definitions that appropriately answer this question, but I am going to give you my real life definition of health and well being based on personal experience.

Health in my opinion is about taking care of your mind and body so that you can make the most of life. Well being is when you start to experience the benefits that are created by effectively managing your health and also incorporates all the other aspects of your life in way that can make you feel amazing. To manage your well being takes into account your mind and body, but it is also relationships, work and life in general.

It is for this reason that I believe health and well being are intrinsically linked. By having a healthy mind and body, my well being has improved because I have the physical ability, energy and positive outlook required to create opportunities in life and overcome whatever hurdles get thrown my way. I enjoy being healthy but I also enjoy all the well being benefits that I get from leading a healthy lifestyle. I can eat well, treat myself, focus on my relationships and achieve a lot in life because of the natural energy I get from being fit and healthy.

Let me give you an example, when I am feeling a bit flat or down I know that one of the best things that I can do to lift my mood is go for a run. In my case, I find that running gives me an outlet from my worries and time to myself to re energize. After I have been on a really amazing run, I feel much more positive and able to deal with whatever it was that was worrying me before. When I first started running, I did it to get fit but now I am actually motivated by the well being benefits I just described.

On the flip side, I have been really sick this past week with an awful virus. I have been absolutely miserable all week and have not managed to exercise for ages. I feel crap. At the same time as being sick, I am also trying to get this website finished and move into a new apartment to start living with my amazing partner. Needless to say, these are fantastic life changes that I am desperate to get on with, but both have been placed on hold because I am too sick to do either. Now, were I in my normal healthy state of mind, I would be able to see that it is just a short term issue and a week does not make a difference. Instead, my frustration has festered away in my sickly body allowing a negative mindset to creep in. The result was an irrational blast of crappy mood unfairly fired in my Partner's direction. I now feel awful and guilty because no matter what you say, good or bad, you can never take it back and I know that if I was healthy, it would not have happened. I think this example illustrates something that we all know; being unhealthy can have a negative impact on all aspects of your life.

So, after all of that, why is health and well being important to you? Well, I have mentioned a few reasons that I have experienced in my own life. Being healthy means you can live longer with better quality of life because you have the physical and emotional armory in place to flourish. Managing your well being can give your life the richness and color that makes it more than an existence. Well being can provide you with a positive outlook and natural resilience that will help you to nurture your relationships; take pleasure in life; and survive whatever hurdles may get thrown your way.

Now, as I said at the start, all of this is not based on a scientific journal. It is purely my opinion based on personal experience but hopefully gives you some thoughts on how managing your health and well being could help you.

find4me has been created to make it simpler and easier to manage your health and wellbeing. The aim of find4me is to provide information about what health and wellbeing services are available, how they can benefit you and share ideas or discussion with others.

find4me was founded by Kareene Koh and is based around her passion for health and wellbeing. To find out more about find4me please visit [http://www.find4me.com.au]

