
2012年9月12日 星期三

Stress of Relationship Breakup - 5 Tips For Coping With Breakup Stress

There is no doubt that the stress of relationship breakup can leave us feeling overwhelmed and depressed. A breakup involves learning how to cope and adjust to a life without the familiar presence of an ex partner. Particularly harsh in a relationship breakup is trying to deal with an array of strong emotional feelings such as loneliness and immense sadness.

The stress of relationship breakup can impact our emotional health to the point where we are unable to deal effectively with the normal day-to-day routine of life. Our emotional health in-turn can impact our physical health. If we do not manage the stress of relationship breakup, the impact that it can have on our life can be quite damaging. Chances of getting back with ex or getting over ex will be extremely difficult when stress has a strong hold on our lives.

Learning how to copy with stress is important when going through a relationship breakup, as well as other stressful events in our lives. Here are 5 tips for coping with breakup stress:

1. Get up and get going! Exercise is a great way to help beat stress. When sitting around not doing anything it is much easier to get depressed. Exercise speeds up our heart rate and enables oxygen to flow more effectively through our body. A great help in dealing with depression.

2. A prayerful soul is a joyful soul. Prayer, or maybe you prefer meditation, is perhaps the most effective remedy for helping to relieve stress.

3. Focus on helping others. You will be amazed at how therapeutic focusing on helping others can be for relieving stress. Often you may find that many people have problems that are worse than your own. This enables you to view your situation from a different perspective.

4. Take time to enjoy life. Maybe there is a trip you have often thought about taking or have a fondness for a hobby, but have never started. Stop and take the time to do something special just for you.

5. Laughter is good for the soul. Infuse laughter into your life. Watch some funny movies or go to a comedy theater with some up beat friends.

Often people find when they are going through a breakup, the passion and love for their ex still exists in their heart. Thoughts and feelings of "what are my chances of getting back with ex" arises. Managing the stress of a relationship breakup can place you in the right frame of mind to deal with these feelings and put you on the road to winning back your ex.

If you're having feelings of..."I want my ex back," then do something that will help give you the ability to get an ex back. Discover how to jump-start your chances of getting back ex.

