These 9 Relationship Red Flags have the potential of being overlooked, excused, or denied. All are reasons to stop, look, and listen to what is going on and carefully consider whether or not you should continue in the relationship. All have the potential of desensitizing you to their affects the longer you are in the relationship.
Emotional reactivity: Your partner creates drama and turmoil frequently by being upset, sensitive, moody, angry, and reactive over things that aren't really a big deal to you. As a result of this emotional reactivity, you find yourself walking on eggshells and afraid to be yourself.
Excesses that bother you: Anything your partner does to excess that bothers you now has the potential to bother you more later on. It is even worse if the person is defensive about the issue when you bring it up.
Lying: If you have caught your partner in lies, you can assume there will be more lies in the future, unless the issue underlying the lies is resolved.
Control: Your partner tries to control who you see, what you do, and how you live your life. At first, this may feel caring, but the underlying issues behind control are deep and lead to abuse later on.
Emotional/verbal/physical abuse: Your partner uses manipulative and demeaning tactics such as put downs, minimizing, ridicule, name calling, discounting, hostile anger, threats, withdrawal, and physical violence.
Problems in your partner's personal life: Whether it is with children, finances, business, family, friends, work, physical health, mental health, or sexual problems, these will become your problem(s), if the relationship continues.
Self-doubt: You find yourself questioning yourself and wondering if you crazy, overreacting, oversensitive, mean, or selfish, because your partner is telling you that you are the problem in the relationship.
Inability to resolve conflict: Your partner is unable to resolve conflict and unwilling to learn how to communicate better.
Hoping for change: You are already telling yourself that your partner needs to change. This means you see the red flags but are willing to convince yourself that they will go away rather than lose the relationship.
Proverbs 14:15 says that "a prudent man gives thought to his steps." These 9 Relationship Red Flags are there to protect you. If you are dating, all you have to do is to decide not to continue the relationship. If you are married, it is more complicated, but nevertheless, these areas need your attention in order for your life to get better.
Relationship Prayer: Help me give thought to my steps by paying attention to the warning signs that I see.
Relationship Challenge: Pay attention to the message that these 9 Red Flags in your relationship are giving you.
Next, if you need more practical tips and Biblical truths to help you change your relationships, get my FREE "15-Day Relationship Challenge" designed to give you back the power over your life.
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Karla Downing is an author, speaker, licensed marriage and family therapist, and Bible study teacher. Karla's passion is to help people find freedom in Christ in the midst of their difficult relationships and circumstances through Biblical truths and practical tools.