
2012年10月10日 星期三

Fixing a Broken Relationship: Five Tips For Bringing Back The Love

Are you at a complete loss as to where to begin fixing a broken relationship? Are you afraid that if things get much worse you'll end up single? Wouldn't it be wonderful to bring your relationship back to the way it used to be? Fixing a broken relationship takes hard work and dedication. If you are serious about patching things up with your significant other, here are five helpful tips for bringing the love back into your life.

Tip #1: Take Stock Of The Situation

Before you can repair a damaged union, you've got to have a place to begin. Determine which aspects of your relationship are most in need of reparation, and then take specific steps to reverse the damage. Act quickly - fixing a broken relationship is easiest if you can catch problems before they are compounded.

Tip #2: Accept Responsibility For Your Part Of The Damage

Normally, both parties in a relationship are responsible for at least some of the damage. Be very honest with yourself and with your partner as you decide what you may have done to cause the foundations of your relationship to crumble. Apologize for whatever it may be, and ask your partner if you can both put the hurt behind you.

Accepting responsibility rather than attempting to hide your head in the sand shows maturity and commitment to change - do not skip this important step!

Tip #3: Ask Your Partner What Changes He Would Like To See You Make

One of the most important aspects of any relationship is communication. Be completely honest, and ask your partner to tell you what you can do to change the situation. Be ready for a little pain! It's amazing, but when you hear about the way you hurt someone else, it can feel a bit like ripping off a band-aid.

If your partner needs to make changes as well, be ready with a list (memorize it - don't whip out a piece of paper) and listen to the changes he's requesting you to make. Accept or decline the terms of change, and make your case.

If the person you are with is worth your time, he will listen in kind. Be fair, and take your time with the process of fixing a broken relationship. The damage took time to occur, and it will take time to mend. This is a negotiation - not a fight.

Tip #4: Make Specific Changes - Even Those Not Requested

Your partner may be completely taken aback by your offer to make changes, especially if you have been unwilling to change in the past. Here are some generally helpful changes you can make.

• Make your partner the most important person in your life. Show him he is important to you - don't just tell him.

• Do nice things, out of the blue, for your loved one. Be sure you don't have any ulterior motives - you're just trying to make a new start.

• Change the way you think about your relationship. Sometimes it takes a bolt of lightning, like the kind that signifies an impending break up, to jolt you out of damaging habits and thought processes - so you can make the kind of changes you need to make.

Tip #5: Get Professional Help

There is no shame in seeking the help of a mental health professional! Online marriage and relationship counselors can help you with fixing a broken relationship more quickly than just about anyone else can. While counseling does cost a little money, you may be surprised at how affordable this strategy is. You can seek help alone, or with your partner.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

