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Home Page > Health > Alternative Medicine > Discover The Secret Of Growing Taller Overnight! Discover The Secret Of Growing Taller Overnight! Posted: Jun 10, 2012 |Comments: 0 |

Have you ever wondered if is was possible to grow taller overnight? Have you ever wished there was something you could do to gain instant height? Thank God because it's possible to gain instant height even overnight!
?Did you know that you are taller in the morning than in the evening? The reason your taller in the morning is because as you go about your day the cartilage in your knees and other parts in your body starts to compress as you walk around. When you retire at night the cartilage goes back to its normal state.
?Also during the day your joint capsules are deprived of some of their synovial fluid which causes the tissues around your joints to compress which results in a loss of height.
?This is a powerful and amazing discovery because you could make this work for you instantly even overnight! To grow taller overnight all you have to do is just go to sleep and it will naturally happen as explained above, but the KEY is KEEPING AND INCREASING THE HEIGHT YOU ALREADY HAVE!
?The best way to keep the height you have in the morning is stretching when you first wake up. When your stretching you are fighting the natural effects of gravity and by doing this consistently on a day to day basis you will eventually see a few more inches to your stature!
?Here are some good stretches to do in the morning that have been proven to work:
?? Stand against the wall with you feet together. Roll up a towel or if you have a bar put it on your shoulders. Stand straight as possible and raise the towel or bar as high as you can while inhaling through the nose.
?Bend over without bending your knees and try to look at the floor. Hold this position for at least 3 seconds. Slowly stand back up and exhale at the same time. Repeat 5 times.
?? Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Put your hands behind you head like you would if you were doing a sit up. Now stretch upwards as far as possible.
?Bend to the right and keep your legs straight. Breathe out through your mouth as you bend. Then repeat the movement to the left. Try to bend to the right as far as possible without hurting yourself. Do the same on the left side, going as far as possible. Repeat 3 to 5 times.
??Stand with your feet together. Bend over and try to grab your ankles without bending your knees. Try to bend as far as possible without hurting yourself. Hold the position for at least 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
?Do at least one of these exercises when you first get up. By doing these exercises in the morning you will help your body keep the height it gained over night. Remember to stay focused be consistent and don't give up! Anybody could increase their height by doing the right exercises! ??
Retrieved from "http://www.articlesbase.com/alternative-medicine-articles/discover-the-secret-of-growing-taller-overnight-5972090.html"
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