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Home Page > Health > Alternative Medicine > Shilajit Rasayana - Anti Aging for Men Shilajit Rasayana - Anti Aging for Men Posted: Jun 11, 2012 |Comments: 0 |

Shilajit Rasayana an Ayurvedic medicine and it has been used by men for quiet sometime now. The Rasayana actually acts largely as a Rejuvenator by providing strength and energy to the body. Shilajit is well known as an organic aphrodisiac. Hundreds of unidentified and untouched Himalayan herbs are mixed, and then the product is extracted.
Reports disclose that Shilajit comprises of approximately 85 minerals and several other vital acids like fulvic acid and humic acid. The exceptional composition of this Rasayana is exclusively obtained from the Himalayas. Shilajit infuses energy in men so that they can stay young for a very long time and get pleasure from life to its best. Thus, Shilajit Rasayana acts excellently as anti aging for men.
Benefits of Shilajit
Shilajit, a Rasayana for anti aging for men is a very precious endowment of the Mother Nature, and it has amazing benefits. The herbal supplement contains a lot of vitamins and minerals and is adequate to cure an extensive sort of physical troubles.
Shilajit Rasayana accelerates the cell metabolism needed to meet the daily activity, thereby enhancing the energy level in your body. The Rasayana is a natural aphrodisiac that enhances the sexual activity in men. It helps in raising the sperm count thus by preventing untimely ejaculation. The Rasayana also aid sustain penile erection while lovemaking. It is therefore known as the best anti aging for men product. The best intervention for diabetes is shilajit. If you have high level of sugar in your body, then you can consume Shilajit Rasayana and maintain it. This medicine has been clinically tested and proved effective. The Rasayana helps in regulating the metabolic process of sugar in your body. The pancreas is stimulated so as to secrete the required quantity of insulin to maintain normal levels of sugar in your body. Power of bones and muscles is increased with adequate supply of minerals like phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium by Shilajit Rasayana. It aids to combat strange bodies or antigens and thereby, augmenting the immune power in the body. An effective Rasayana for the weak as well as for those who are recouping from any severe illness. The Rasayana helps those who endure from a variety of arthritis like osteoarthritis, gout, and rheumatoid arthritis. The anti-inflammatory attributes in the drug helps to get relief from lower back ache and other pains in the joints. Shilajit compounds nervous system in your body and aids in healing several nervous breakdowns like hemiplegia, paralysis etc. Mental upsets like anxiety, fatigue, depression, and convulsions can also be cured by means of this Rasayana. Diseases like fissures, hemorrhoids, and fistulas can also be healed, as this Rasayana is a blood purifier as well. Additional greasy adipose layers are removed from your body and hence you are able to control your body weight by means of Shilajit. A prevailing anti-oxidant, and hence helps to combat the existing free radicals in your body, thereby preventing aging as well as other grave complaints. A good product for anti aging for men is Shilajit Rasayana indeed! Retrieved from "http://www.articlesbase.com/alternative-medicine-articles/shilajit-rasayana-anti-aging-for-men-5972331.html"
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By: Roy Chavarcodel Health> Alternative Medicinel May 03, 2012 Discuss this Article Author Navigation My Home Publish Article View/Edit Articles View/Edit Q&A Edit your Account Manage Authors Statistics Page Article Widget My Home Edit your Account Update Profile View/Edit Q&A Publish Article Author Box
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