
2012年7月2日 星期一

Lose Weight Really Fast And Enjoy A Blissful Relationship

When it comes to excess body weight and obesity matters, I've observed these issues can be emotional, sensitive, psychological and personal experiences which would require collective care, assistance and affection from all parties towards sufferers.

Even though causes of weight and fitness challenges might be due to ignorance, unhealthy eating habits, poor lifestyle choices or hereditary genes, these victims will however, always deserve some practical support from the society.

I've been coaching and educating people from various cultural backgrounds (African, Asian and European) who were hit by weight challenges for a few years. And I've witnessed a catalogue of damaging and consequential effects these people have been subjected to, in respect of poor health, careers' loss and particularly, relationships failures.

Nevertheless, I always encourage those overweight to get seriously committed to lose the unwanted weight. At that stage, the most important thing is to change your mindset, and stop blaming your genes, economic circumstance, background or culture. When you change your thinking then every situation or experience is subject to change.

When you quantify the damaging effects of overweight and obesity you might perhaps realise it's more expensive staying in that "red alert zone" with its associated diseases and traumas than the costs of getting into a healthy shape, enhancing career, self-esteem, social status, joy and relationships. That's where I find it gratifying to educate, coach and empower the overweight to wage war over excess weight until they've won.

Let's look at some health, emotional, psychological, physical, economic and relationship traumas associated with excess body weight.

Overweight can potentially degenerate into preventable diseases like cancer, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, breathing problem, heart disease, stress, depression, insomnia and premature aging. These conditions could make you become vulnerable to victimization by peers/society and damage desirability for relationships.
If you are not thin and sexy, society can view you (overweight) to make you feel unattractive, undesirable, low self-esteem and low social social status. Such experiences could cause psychological and social ramifications to affect romantic partnership and relationship status
When you are overweight, you could be stigmatized and discriminated against as heavy, sluggish, lazy and as having less will-power. This could make social dating less frequent, reduce cohabiting and not do well for commitment; and that could make you feel suicidal.
Again, in the offices overweight people are not put at the front offices or reception. They are mostly posted at the back offices and warehouses.
Overweight people tend to get less invitations to social outings and meetings
On the physical side of things, being overweight you suffer from immobility. Climbing up and down stairs or walking about could be a challenging task associated with breathlessness.
Economically, overweight conditions could cause colossal financial loss to individuals, families, employers and nations. When you are overweight you tend to battle with your health. When you are sick, you might not be able to pursue your career and develop your potential to the fullest. And that could damage your career progression. Absenteeism and sickness mean loss of personal earnings and less productivity to employers and less government revenue. You might also end up spending more money on medical treatment. It might also incur displeasure and put extra burden on your family when have to take time off work and nurse you at home.
In certain parts of the society, overweight people are viewed as less healthy with shorter life span and thus not considered for marriages or long-term relationship. They orchestrate their fear to raise children or plan a future with the overweight by suspecting fat people might not live longer. People also perceive they might end up spending more time driving their "over weight" relations to the hospital than booking for vacations, and fear they might not to enjoy a romantic and blissful relationship; how sad!
When you are overweight it could trigger into low sexual drive. Body pain, insomnia, lethargy, breathing problems and emotional traumas could ruin sexual appetite. Men suffering from diabetes, hypertension and breathing problems ( and even side effects of medication treating these conditions) could cause impotency.

Let me share a story I witnessed about 3 years ago.

I went on a follow-up visit to a married woman on a weight loss program. Admittedly, she was not shifting the excess weight as seriously as per the program. Then the husband unexpectedly brought out some of their wedding and romantic pictures and addressing me, saying - " Godfrey, look at the pictures of a woman I dearly married a few years ago as in contrast to her physical looks and unattractive size today! " You could see the disappointment, distaste, frustration and hurt over the husband's face, how sad! What can we all learn from this emotional testimonial?

The good news is there is always a package of solutions to your weight and fitness challenges. You stand to gain all round and enjoy a healthy lifestyle if you will take practical steps to lose excess weight. When you shed off the unhealthy body fat you feel and look trendy and sexy. You rejuvenate your youthfulness. You sleep better. You smile bigger. When you smile bigger, you enjoy the perceived value of a warm and lively personality. You then attract great people into your life and enjoy blissful relationships. So take serious action today and lose really fast.

I'm Godfrey Jeffrey Agyare, resident of London, United Kingdom. My background is a Philanthropist, Health & Fitness Coach. My interests are personal & lifestyle development and travelling.

This is to support those dissatisfied with their weight, serious to wage war against overweight, to reduce the incidence of preventable diseases (like: cancer, diabetes, hypertension, breathing problems, body pains). When you lose weight and get into a new healthy shape, you regain energy and youthfulness. You become trendy, lively and warm personality. Your new looks will enhance your self-esteem, attractiveness and blossom your relationships.

For more valuable information, submit your first name and primary email address for a FREE Ebook at http://www.target-weightloss.com.

