In a previous article on this subject I discussed the "Jar of Life" analogy, and how important it is to add your "big rocks" to your jar first, while there's still plenty of room.
So, how do we make this "real" in your life?
1) Determine who and what are most important in your life. These are your "rocks". Who and what come in second? These are your "pebbles". And finally, who and what are your fillers? Alas, these are your "sand".
2) Next, make sure these "rocks" are a priority in your daily or weekly schedule. When I look at my calendar before a new week begins, I first pencil in the things like appointments and commitments I need to keep. The very next thing I do is to schedule time for my rocks. In my case, this is dedicated time for my own rituals, my husband, my children, my dad, my close friends, and my work: writing, speaking and educating. This is the "stuff" I'm most passionate about.
This is an incredibly valuable lesson I was taught many years ago, and it serves as a fantastic and challenging action step:
"Schedule your priorities as opposed to prioritizing your schedule."
Be proactive in creating the time in your life for the most important people, relationships and roles FIRST. Laundry, dishes, errands, email, bills, paperwork, etc. will always be on the list, but they shouldn't take the place of the 'biggies' in your life. I know, sometimes it's easier said than done.
I've taken this lesson to heart for the last several years - I nurture and 'feed' my top relationships and passions, with great focus and intention, on a regular basis. Some of my own personal examples of this are:
I start and end each day with God (as well as countless prayers throughout my day). I fill myself up with empowering and enriching rituals each morning. I carve out quality time for my marriage, even if it's just a few minutes on some days. Several times each week I schedule in "Kid Time" - time just for them... not time for multi-tasking! I call my dad every night to keep him company. I schedule time for reading motivational, inspirational and educational material everyday. I write daily to fulfill my passion for educating and empowering others. I exercise several times every week. These are the 'biggies' for me. You get the picture.
3) The next action step is a doozy...
Be fully present when you're nourishing these relationships.
Fully focus on the relationship or role you're currently nourishing and you'll see it flourish! Really, where else should we be but HERE and NOW?!
This is truly a surefire way to create a more fulfilling and joyful life full of rich relationships.
Until next time, Be Happy, Be Well and Smile!
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