
2012年9月11日 星期二

13 Toxic Relationships Signs - Why These Kinds of Relationships Are Bad For One's Overall Health

The majority of relationships are based on love and commitment, where couples actually want to be together and really do love one another. These are the kinds of relationships that everyone desires to have, men and women both. However, there are many other couples that are together, not because of love, but because of fear or what they believe is love. These are called toxic relationships and any couple who has a relationship like this need to be away from each other. Why are toxic relationships so bad for each person in the relationship?

Why Toxic Relationships Are Bad For People

When a relationship is considered toxic, it's a major threat to a person's overall emotional and spiritual health. It can make a person feel completely and utterly depressed and worthless. They may feel so bad about themselves that they'll stop doing the things they used to do; afraid if they do something, they will anger or upset their significant other. The worst-case scenario for a person in a toxic relationship is suicide; this means they felt they had no other alternative to get out of this kind of relationship.

Signs To Watch Out For In A Toxic Relationship

Since toxic relationships are so bad, what can you do to ensure that you stay out of one? What signs should you be looking for? Are there any signs that will tell you a relationship is toxic? While there is no easy way to identify the chances of a toxic relationship before you get into one, you do have at least 13 signs to know if you are in one currently. What are they?

- First, your significant other puts you down either in public or private.

- Second, your significant other doesn't allow you to hang out with friends or family.

- Third, your significant other is calling you non-stop to see what you are doing or who you are with; this happens even when you are working.

- Fourth, your significant other doesn't value any of your opinions even if the reasoning for them are important.

- Fifth, you have changed who you are just to please your significant other.

- Sixth, your significant other puts down for how you look or act, all in the goal to make you feel unattractive and unintelligent.

- Seventh, your significant other is overly jealous and always accuses you of cheating on him/her.

- Eighth, your significant other has a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde personality; one minute he/she is very loving and sweet, the next minute they are overly mean and violent.

- Ninth, your significant other has total control over your life and money, leaving you entirely dependent on him/her.

- Tenth, your significant other will only go where he/she desires to go and doesn't care to go where you would like to.

- Eleventh, your significant other claims he/she loves you but doesn't act like it.

- Twelfth, your significant other always makes you feel afraid for your life.

- Thirteenth, you can't remember a time you felt happy when you were with your significant other.

Get Out Of Toxic Relationships By Seeking Help

It's important to remember that no matter how much you love a person, toxic relationships are bad for all involved. It's highly unlikely you will know about your significant other's dark side beforehand; however, once you know about them, you need to get out of the relationship right away. This is when you need to speak with someone you trust such as a family member, church member, social worker, etc.; anyone you believe can help you escape the relationship.

Do whatever you can to get out of those toxic relationships and don't ever think you can change a person after you left them because chances are they won't change. For that reason, you should never, ever, try to get your ex back. However, if you and your partner are willing to make a change, then consider trying to work it out. Just bear in mind that many times people change for a short while only to go back to the way they were before, which means you're right back in the same position you once were.

If you are currently in a toxic relationship, first realize that you do have choices and have the power to change your situation by getting out of the relationship. If you still want to get your ex back, you should know the risks of taking such an action if you are going at it alone. However if both of you are willing to make changes and are willing to put in the hard work to make it work, then you can rebuild a healthy relationship. The magic of making up [http://towinbackex.com/magic-of-making-up-review/] is a powerful ebook by TW Jackson that has helped tens of thousands of people spanning 77 countries to rebuild their relationship. Please visit [http://towinbackex.com/magic-of-making-up-review/] before you make your next move. You will learn some conventional and some very unconventional advice and techniques in the book including how to get relief from the pain and anxiety of a break-up.

