Like it or not, the road to romance can sometimes be bumpy. Stepping into your "feminine power" has been a concept of confusion for many forward thinking females ever since the 60's and has kept many relationships from living happily ever after. Reflect on this relationship advice to see if you've fallen prey to any of these 3 traps.
Loss of Balance
With very few powerful feminine role models for you to emulate, the association to "power" has been misinterpreted as masculine. Face it. The majorities of women wears a dozen different hats and are on the fast track the minute our feet hit the ground in the morning till we drop into bed exhausted.
This kind of power and energy is not from our feminine source. So it's easy to understand how the art and pleasure of being a woman got lost and buried. In addition, with the drive to succeed front and center, playfulness flew out the window along with fun romantic adventure. Learn how to flip to feminine and you'll have much more fun.
Loss of Connection
If you are like the millions of women who crave an intimate connection with their man but expect him to turn into Don Juan and create all the romance, you're unconsciously giving your power away. You need to ask yourself, "Do I want to stay stuck or do I want to reach out and be a bridge to love?"
Most men were not raised to know how to woo you beyond the initial stages of love and are fearful of being criticized and rejected, whereas women, the feminine, are the source of creativity. So stop judging and blaming, start softening, and allow a safe haven for your partner to enter into. Go dancing, listen to music, watch a funny movie or design a fun environment to play in. The point is you have the power to create what you want, so do it!
Loss of Pleasure
A segment on NBC's Today Show revealed 63 percent of all relationships are suffering from sex problems. Relationship expert David Schnarch, a clinical psychologist at the Marriage and Family Health Center in Evergreen, Colorado, cites women as having confusion and control issues. His remedy? Women need to rediscover themselves and take control of their desires. Couples need to build intimacy and work on personal growth.
As observed by Dr. Schnarch, women need to get in touch with their feminine energy, their pleasure center, and create what they want in their love life. Couples who play together are much happier. It's important for women to understand that pleasure is their birthright. So get in touch with what brings you pleasure - make a list of 10 things that make your skin tingle with excitement and make sure you do at least one of them every day.
Thankfully, with the recent downturn in the job market and a return to a "less is more" mentality, people are once again searching for balance, meaningful connection and pleasure within their relationships. I invite you to take a moment and reflect - are you making the most of your feminine power? If you can live consciously and avoid these three traps you are definitely on your way to a successful relationship.
Bonus - If you would like more information on how to have more fun in your relationship and create the closeness you crave I invite you to visit and claim your special free report.
Authored by Sherri Nickols - Romance Coach for women ready to live a fully Self-expressed life, blending fun and adventure into their relationship to create the closeness they crave.