Wellness includes your mind, your body and your soul. Happy people are usually healthy people. People who are stressed and worried, or angry or complacent become unhealthy. No matter what they eat or drink. The science of health is internally connected to the science of the mind and attitudes to life. We approach health from a holistic angle in order to remain young and vital in love. There is no value in blaming ourselves for our state of health. But we can empower ourselves to be as healthy as possible.
Wellness also includes the connection between our emotional body and our physical body. This is where the real empowerment comes from. Insights can come through body mind science as a natural way of understanding the total health of the body. In this ancient art we believe the mind and the body to be one, and that the body's health is the most accurate measure of the health of the mind. The body is natures bible. Constitutional Analysis at work eBook
Wellness is a very spiritual thing. Simply put, happiness in mind and body causes us the confidence to do what we are born to do and this is a very spiritual experience. Finding youthful vitality comes through wellness. This is not a new science. 6,000 years ago Ayurvedic scientists found that people who lived in tune with the unique combination of these elements that is their constitution, found health and happiness easily. And those who defied - or lived out of balance, suffered disease and struggle.
Wellness in the mind means to expect the best from life. This is not to be confused with greed, sex, emotional instability and excess eating. Many overweight people are simply replacing love for life, with food for life, diets therefore, are rarely the answer. What is extraordinary, is the application of this amazing study to relationships and business. Choosing staff, creating productive environments, aligning healthy job descriptions with natural talents has the potential to increase the effectiveness of the business world, while reducing stress.
Wellness is a state of mind that causes health. False expectations, unrealistic goals, unfinished business from past experiences all attack our mind and cause ill health. It is the job of any wellness program to address these issues and clear them - permanently. Constitutional Analysis is based on your body type. Your body can tell us more about your mind, than your mind can tell about your body. The beauty of it is that, you can read these simple signs spontaneously. So, not only do you understand yourself better, but you understand others equally well.
Wellness also requires a good perspective on life. Many people are so judgmental and yet, they fail to see the effect of those judgments on their own health. How we treat others is how we treat ourselves. So, we teach people, that instead of dividing the world into demographics (locations), or psychographics (thoughts), constitutions will be a far more honest and accurate grouping of behavioural traits. Earth people act that way universally while Air people are the same the world over. Their buying patterns are identical and their product hopes the same with highly predicable needs and values. With this, the opportunity to serve clients and their requirements becomes more honest, accurate and spontaneous.
Wellness also comes from self respect. Valuing your body mind through constitutional analysis will reveal information right from the food you eat, the cause of your moods, identify the colours that calm you and the music that can inspire you. It makes being you, so much easier. It's a simple way to be conscious and unique.
Wellness, at the end of the day, is energy. Energetically you feel different when you are healthy and well. This requires a balanced approach to mind, body and spirit development. Youthful people are clear and balanced people. Constitutional analysis is a great gift for youth as well. For decades, a normal child has been forced to live the way his society, family, race or country wants him to live. Nobody wants to know what is in him. The child goes through molding or reshaping of various kinds. By time he is an adult there is a big, thick, concrete wall between his True Nature and body. This wall comprising of patterns, beliefs, personalities, habits and so on, does not have anything to do with him. His Pre Nature is dying inside so a life built on or based on these 'non-constitutional' patterns will never give fulfillment.
http://www.chriswalker.com.au Chris Walker is a world leading change agent, an environmentalist and author of more than 20 books. Born and bred in Australia, he consults to people and organisations throughout the world on improved relationships, health and lifestyle through the application of the Universal laws of Nature. The result he offers is that we stay balanced, share loving relationships, work with passion, enjoy success, and live our personal truth. To learn more about Chris?s work and journeys to Nepal, visit http://www.chriswalker.com.au -- http://www.chriswalker.com.au