
2012年9月30日 星期日

Toxic Relationships - Dangers of Leaving 3 - Toxic People

Do you believe you are in a relationship that is toxic to your well being? Have you been trying to find a way to get out of a potentially dangerous relationship? Leaving a toxic partner can be dangerous if you are not taking the right precaution, so before you decide on an escape plan take these tips into consideration. They can potentially save your life depending on which type of toxin you are dealing with.

Types of Toxic People

1. Emotional Toxin:

This person is not physical, but he will play games to get you back after you've made it perfectly clear you are no longer interested in a relationship with him. He will keep calling you to come pick up some of your stuff, or to let him pick up their stuff from your place. These are all desperate attempts of getting you alone to try, and manipulate you into getting back with him.

When I said before that he will use any means necessary to get you back, I meant it. You will see him cry, sob, scream, and any of emotionally pathetic display he can come up with. This is only an excuse to get you alone, and manipulate you into feeling bad for leaving him, resulting in reconciliation. In this case you are going to need to get a restraining order to protect you from any harassment that will follow your breakup.

2. Physical Toxin:

When breaking up with this toxic partner, he threaten to beat you, or destroy your possessions, until you cave into staying with him. He can vandalize your home, or your car. I once heard of a time where my friend's boyfriend throw her things out of the car window while driving down the street, in hopes it would make my friend see it his way.

Any physical force will be used in this situation for him to convince you that it's a better idea for you to stay with him. Don't fall for it! Get legal help! Obtain a restraining order or whatever else is possible to get for your own safety.

3. Mentally Ill Toxin:

This toxic person will do all of what the other toxins do, and then some. He will threaten you with your life, threaten your family, your friends, or your new lover. He can do creepy and dirty things in attempts to get you to cave in to them, like taking provocative photos of you and your family in secret, then using them to blackmailing you into going out with him again. He'll also fake illnesses, or even a near death experience to connect with you emotionally. Mentally ill toxins will stalk you, show up at random times of the night, call you at home, and at work every 5 minutes.

This toxin is extremely hazardous to your health and well being. Be aware of your surroundings and the surroundings of your children and family. Get legal and lawful help immediately!

If you need to solve a relationship problem, or just want to get relationship advice and tips, be sure to sign up for the free e-newsletter at http://www.abetterwaytolove.com.

