When we meet someone new, we always want to assume the best and give them the benefit of the doubt. But what happens when more and more doubt keeps piling up. No one likes to think that the person they're in a relationship might be a bad choice. After all, it reflects badly on us that we chose them. But sometimes you have to step back and take a good hard look at the person your with. You'll need to ask your self this tough, yet important question. Am I too good for them? It's not an easy one to answer, but it can make a big impact on your future happiness. If it saves you from wasting time in a terrible relationship, then your overall life will dramatically improve. So here are 10 tell-tail signs to be on the look out for.
1- Their Looks Are The Best Thing They Have Going For Them
Human beings are very visual by nature. In fact, it's estimated that 90% of the input we receive from the world is visually. Plus, on a subconscious level, many of the things that we find physically attractive relate to sings of good health. So, it's only natural that we want to be physically attracted to our partner. But if being beautiful is the best thing they have going for themselves, then you could be for some hard times ahead. If you're looking for a relationship that can last, then you're going to need more than a pretty face. Do they have good character, social intuition, good judgment, a sense of humor and any goals in life? Are they good at handling money and making smart choices in general? If the answer to most or all of these is "no", that could be a sign that they are a bad choice.
2- Your Friends Don't Like Them
You're friends probably know you better than anyone. They're the ones who've stuck with you through thick and thin. They are the people in your life who where here long before the person you're now dating came along. And (hopefully), they'll be here to help you pick up the pieces after it all falls apart. That said, you're friends usually will have your best interest at heart. If one of your friends doesn't like the person you're dating, you could think of it as sort of a one-off type situation. However, if the collective decision by all your close friends is that they don't like the person, then you might want to really take that to heart.
3- They Don't Know Where They're Going In Life
Some people seem to be born knowing exactly what they want to do in life. Others of us don't figure it out until later on. There's a difference between being 18 and not sure what you want to do in life and being 30 and still living in your patents basement. Does the person your dating have any drive or ambition in life at all? If not, then the best thing they have going on in life might be you. That's still not a good enough reason to stay with them. Even if they haven't yet achieved their dreams or found success, they should at least be working towards it. If their biggest goal in life is to party and play X-Box all day, that's a very bad sign. The long and the short of it is that if you're life is in full sail and theirs is still stuck in port, it may be a big incompatibility issue for your relationship.
4- You're Always Encouraging Them
This sort of ties into the #3 (They Don't Know Where They're Going In Life). You've worked really hard to get somewhere with your life, so shouldn't you want the same in your partner? Do they seem completely unmotivated and directionless? It's not a good sign for your relationship if you are constantly trying to push or encourage them to do something with their life. It's really a question about what YOU really want out of life and if their goals line up with yours.
5- You Always Have To Explain Everything to Them
One time I was dating a girl (let's call her Kelly). Everything seemed to be going great, until one day we were talking after work. I'd spent the whole date a trade convention down town. I was telling her about my day and she said, "um... what's a convention". Wow, was this girl dumb or what? I really, really wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, but wow. That's when I knew our relationship wasn't going to last long. You should feel that you're on the same intellectual leave as them, or it could make it very hard to connect with them in any really meaningful way.
6- They Drive You Crazy
Have you ever dating someone who you're really into but did things that got under your skin? Well I have, and I can tell you that it can be a really tough situation. Let's call her Angie, and not only did she drive my friends crazy, but she had a way of making me nuts. On one hand, she was incredibly hot, but her biggest downfall was what I liked to call "foot-in-mouth" disease. The part of her brain that is supposed to stop her from saying inappropriate things out in public seemed to be broken. We would be out with friends or co-workers and she'd spontaneously blurt out things I'd privately told her. Talk about an awkward situation.
7- They Can't Afford To Pay for Anything
Does the person you're dating never seem to have any money? Do you always have to pay for everything? I'm a little old-fashioned and think the guy should pay on the first couple of dates. However, if you've been going out for a while, it's only reasonable that the girl would pay sometimes too. If the person you're dating is constantly broke or having money problems, it can put a damper on your relationship. Not only will you get tired of hearing about it all the time, but what does that say about their skills at handling money or planning for the future.
8- You Always Have To Dumb Down The Conversations For Them
This is probably different for everyone, depending on how brainy you consider yourself. Try to imagine going through life having to explain even the simplest, most basic things to someone as if they had the IQ of a 3rd grader. No matter how attractive or fun you think they are, this will still start to get on your nerves after a while. After a while, even the best sex in the world won't make up for this. The best solution is to try and find someone who's on the same intellectual playing field as you.
9- Mental/Anger Issues
Love really can be blind. When you're into someone, it's easy to overlook their short-comings and bad habits. However, this is not one that you should just let slide. If they are dealing with anger issues or are mentally unstable, it's going to lead to big problems down the road. These are probably deeply rooted issues that you're not going to be able to change. It's better to find out about things like this sooner rather than latter. These types of issues are not likely to get better over time, but will probably get worst. Plus, there are so many other people out there, that it's not worth sticking it out with someone who has these types of issues. It can bring you a lot of unhappiness.
10- Poor Hygiene or No Pride In Their Appearance
This should just go without saying. It's not a good sign if since you've started dating, their personal hygiene and over all appearance has dramatically degraded over time. It could be a question of overall ambition and motivation in life. Or it could be that they really just don't care. Either way, you just have to ask yourself if that is what you really want in the person you're dating?
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