A relationship in which there is an element of psychological and emotional abuse is a very difficult one to leave. Your abuser knows what to say and exactly how to say it to convince you that your perceptions are incorrect, the problems are your fault, he or she will change, etc etc. The dialogue may change, but the tactic is the same: To draw you back into the relationship and assert control over you. If you are in the process of, or considering leaving someone who is emotionally and psychologically abusive, there are steps you can take to help yourself through this difficult process. Here are 4 steps to maintaining your health and sanity as you leave an emotionally and psychologically abusive relationship:
1. Eat right. The mind and body are closely connected, and the health of one impacts the health of the other. By taking care of your body, you give yourself more emotional strength to make it through the challenging moments. Focus on eating fresh vegetable and fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains. Reduce your intake of processed foods and sugar, and avoid stress eating. Take supplements, starting with a good food based multivitamin, calcium if you do not consume large amounts of calcium rich foods. Fish oil has a number of benefits to the body, including improving brain health.
2. Implement a doctor approved exercise program. The ideal type of exercise for elevating your mood is cardiovascular exercise because it promotes the release of endorphins, the feel good compounds released into the body during exercise. What you want is an activity that elevates your heart rate for a sustained period of time. Ideally, you will work up to 45 minutes of cardio exercise 5 times per week. However, any exercise is better than none, so make the effort to get moving, however you can manage it.
3. Talk out the issues and trauma you have faced. Allow for the fact that you have been through a great deal emotionally. A professional counselor who specializes on abuse issues can be of great help in offering a trained, unbiased perspective on you and what has happened. Friends and family are also very important to draw close to during this time for emotional support.
4. Above all, make every effort possible to avoid contact with your abuser. Think of this person like poison that has the potential to damage you anytime you interact. If you must communicate due to children, etc, keep the conversations strictly on topic. You do not need to respond to anything off the topic, so feel free to ignore messages or say, "I need to hang up now," if your abuser tried to draw you back in to a personal conversation. This is a wonderful exercise in setting your boundaries and reclaiming your power over who and what you allow into your world.
Are you interested in addressing your life challenges from a holistic standpoint, assessing the physical, emotional, and relationship components?
For a free copy of my ebook, "Natural Methods To Fight Depression", click here: http://www.stoptoxicrelationships.com/gifts-naturalmethodstofightdepression.html
Shannon Cook is a personal growth and relationship expert who has written a number of informative articles and ebooks on the topic of toxic relationships and holistic personal growth, including physical, emotional and relationship health.